How would this work for car insurance

differentthings, Mar 14, 1:39pm
If I had my car insured with a company, but let it expired while I shopped around for a better deal then had a accident can I still make a claim.?
"She was shopping around for a new policy on her Burwood home when the February 2011 earthquake struck. The property was later red-zoned and was uninsured when the quake hit"

pico42, Mar 14, 3:41pm
It wouldn't work for car insurance. But it is not quite correct as an analogy.

budgel, Mar 14, 5:19pm
It would depend on how overdue your premiums were. If a couple of days, it would be worthwhile paying the outstanding premium, then make a claim.

I agree that the housing analogy doesnt apply.

kazbanz, Mar 14, 8:19pm
Nahh I dunno if I agree guys.
uninsured is uninsured regardless if its life,car,house or whatever.
Shop around for a better deal whilst you have cover not let it lapse.

however--this story aint about insurance--its about the gubbiment paying less because a property isn't insured.

macgor, Mar 14, 8:33pm
But if someone unknown prangs into your uninsured vehicle you are left with a damaged vehicle to do with what you wish. Either repair it , garden ornament , sell as damaged.
If someone demands you abandon it and sell the vehicle to them, which is more in line with what is happening in the Red zone, who gets to decide what price they pay for it. What is the fair method of setting the price. I doubt that it's fair the buyer sets the price.

gunhand, Apr 29, 1:00pm
Wasn't that land uninsurable in the first place? They said it wasn't because they didn't want insurance it was that they couldn't due to it being bare land.
No idea how that works, know nothin about insuring a bit of dirt.