Replacement soft top?

dinx, Nov 29, 10:40pm
DP has a 90's Suzuki Cultus and at some stage eventually the old soft top is going to need replacement, its showing its age so is always left up "just in case" it splits or tears. Are there any places in NZ that specialise in replacement tops?

I know he could import one, and thats one option but was curious if their are any NZ importers with a good reputation?. He thinks it could be cheaper to ship one here in our summer when is US winter if prices drop for their off season? Any suggestions?

mm12345, Nov 29, 11:16pm
Buy one from Ebay ex USA (if they're available). Make sure to hunt forums etc to check on quality before buying, and check what downloads etc are there from the seller in terms of instructions for installation, read thoroughly to make sure doing the replacement is within your capabilities.
A project for the future is soft-top replacement for my wife's MX5. Not an easy job, but there's no way I'd buy a replacement top at local prices.

dinx, Nov 29, 11:48pm
Thats kinda what we were thinking. He has said if they made hard tops for them like MX5's he might have done that instead. Mainly its out in the weather and not garaged as much as we would like, garage door needs replacing too lol, its split worse lol!

magoo2, Dec 1, 11:44pm
MX5 would be one of the easiest tops to replace and should take less than half a day. There is a lot of variation in the quality of tops available

magoo2, Dec 1, 11:49pm
Kerrys Upholstery in Levin replace lots of softtops. Ring them for advice

fordcrzy, Dec 1, 11:59pm

berg, Aug 10, 12:33pm
AA Best from USA. Ordered and got my last top through them for about 1/3 of the same here in NZ.