Short term car insurance

catfan, Oct 31, 1:59pm
Can anyone here help me? Is it possible to get short term cover for a car - say one month? Daughter has bought a car, has left it with us, we are in Christchurch, she will be taking it to Wellington, but in the meantime it's with us. Husband is checking it over but can't take it out on the road for a run. Our own insurance company only does yearly policies.
Any suggestions appreciated.

gammelvind, Oct 31, 2:11pm
Check your policy, some allow coverage for you while driving other vehicles.

catfan, Oct 31, 2:22pm
Thanks I'll check that out. In the meantime any other suggestions are still welcome

kazbanz, Oct 31, 2:27pm
IMO the best option in this situation is for your daughter to do normal insurance and explain the situation.-Possibly put you guys on as named drivers.

intrade, Oct 31, 2:44pm
insurance is not compulsory you just have to pay for damage your self if you have no insurance .

3tomany, Oct 31, 2:54pm
ring your own insurance company they will add it to yours, we have done this when borrowing a car before.

a.woodrow, Oct 31, 3:11pm
Most insurance co's will let you pay monthly. I'm with state, when I buy a car I get it insured, paying premiums monthly, when I sell it I ring up and cancel the policy and they refund any portion of the last month. There have been occasions where I haven't kept a vehicle long and they've been happy to cancel.

catfan, Oct 31, 3:59pm
Thanks, will try that

Thanks also for all the other comments, daughter's waiting for some sort of announcement ( don't know the specifics ) where she thinks she might get it cheaper, that's the only reason it hasn't been insured.
Also I DO know you don't have to have insurance, just know what happens if you don't have it and get into an accident ???

mrfxit, Dec 8, 11:25am
Full cover can be had for as little as approx $10 per month.(average value of $1500).
If it's really that much of an issue then insure it for the minimum & upgrade the insurance later to book value.
At least it will be covered for minor damage if you hit someone & fully covered if someone hits you.
The risk of course is if it gets written off

If your daughter is under 25, then any premiums & excess in her name will be expensive.
Multi vehicles under the 1 cover will offset a % of a higher value.
We do that a lot with family members all under the 1 master cover.
We can even put family members living in other citys under our main policy & still get the bulk discounts.
Premiums can be paid by each member or as a whole, it's up to you to make sure thats how you want it set up.