Nissan Patrol breaks Touareg's aircraft towing rec

grangies, Feb 11, 1:22am

It's pretty impressive what's available out there from factory options.

The Toureg and Patrol are pretty straight standard vehicles and they can do that.

msigg, Feb 11, 1:42am
cool. Too much power for me, my patrol would only tow a cessna.

brapbrap8, Feb 11, 1:47am
Amazing the yanks haven't hooked a Ford super duty up to a C17 or a space shuttle and had a go at the record.

morrisman1, Feb 11, 1:54am
probably cos the yanks secretly know their stuff is junk.

Think about the power required to get that lump of aircraft to 200 km/h in the space of about 1 mile. Pretty incredible.

intrade, Feb 11, 1:58am
cool want to see them tow the corn-combine harvester in the mud with it also . next like the touareg did.

morrisman1, Feb 11, 2:08am
pity they didn't make it more like a documentary rather than an advert.

gunhand, Feb 11, 2:15am
Good grief, Some dude out there can pull an airplane, no not a Cessna, one of those chaps who do all that Tyre lifting, car rolling, weight holding, pole throwing stuff. Worlds strongest man comps, or whatever there called.
Take the wheels off the plane and see how they get on.

asa50, Feb 11, 2:48am
Toyota beat them to the bragging rights to pull the shuttle

richardmayes, Feb 11, 2:37pm
I think watching Friendships and HS748s taking off from Rotorua airport as a boy, probably delayed my taking an interest in cars by ten years. Motorbikes? Meh. V8s? Meh. REAL power is the sort of power aircraft have.

moparpete, Feb 11, 3:14pm

zephyrheaven, Feb 11, 5:29pm
Makes that Colorado pulling the tractor out of the pond look pretty silly dont it?

brapbrap8, Feb 11, 5:55pm
Check out Tow truck vs tugboat on youtube (can't work out how to post the link off my tablet sorry).
Now that is a serious load.

grangies, Feb 11, 6:27pm
Here's a funny towing battle. Hahaha

melonhead1, Feb 11, 8:58pm
The Rolls Royce Dart is my favourite motor. It sounds great. A clever person needs to shoehorn one into a car somehow.

richardmayes, Feb 11, 10:15pm
Apparently they are appallingly inefficient by modern standards. the brown exhaust trail tells all, half the fuel exits out the back of the engine unburnt.

But that noise! It goes right through you. Beautiful.

dublo, Feb 11, 11:07pm
Rolls-Royce Darts with their screaming high-pitched sounds (loved hearing them wind up!) were the world's first successful turboprop back in 1950. You can still hear them: Friendships carry the mail between main centres at night. I don't recall much exhaust trail, unlike the Allison engines used in Convair 580s, and Hercules and Orions.
I worked out recently that a 50 seat Friendship burned about 30% more fuel than a 68 seat ATR72-500, so there has been some improvement in 60+ years (as good as cars?) ATR adverts claim 100 miles per gallon per passenger (35.63km/litre or 2.8 litres/100km.) That has to be a lot more efficient use of fuel than driving any car a long distance on your own!
But for the sound of REAL power listen to a 737-300 take off from a short runway like Rotorua's where I think they have to use full throttle. Now that's a sound to stir the blood!

lusty9, Mar 16, 2:46pm
So I suppose we're going to see more patrols on the road towing planes now are we? lol

tony9, Mar 16, 6:02pm
Nah, Francis turbines from a hydro station is the way to go. Used to work in power stations, one Francis turbines had the power and thrust of all 4 engines on a 747. You could feel the hundreds of tons of concrete around it vibrating.

shakespeare6, Mar 17, 1:29pm
Too right, I've spent a bit of time for work in a couple of dams and fark me you can feel the power - it's pretty amazing when you walk around under the turbine hall and feel those tonnes of concrete vibrating and rumbling, amazing

shakespeare6, Mar 17, 1:33pm
Yep our old office was just outside the fence at the end of the runway- the whole building shock when that thing wound up. The steel chain link fence behind it got such a battering they would go and check it after each take off.

brapbrap8, Apr 25, 9:08pm
An Airbus A380 makes about 300,000hp at takeoff.
They have to limit power on the ground though, as the air coming out the back can exceed 1,000mph and tear up the tarmac on the runway.
Passenger efficiency is about 3L/100km/passenger aparently.
My Mitsi Lancer does 1.4L/100km/passenger, but it is somewhat slower.