Hi. I'm just wondering if someone could tell me what the small square sticker with a number on the middle of the windscreen is. I first noticed some cars that had them and now I seem to see them more often.
Nov 2, 9:31pm
Could be COF . Certificate Of Fitness.
Rental cars have then instead of a WOF.
Nov 2, 9:35pm
Carless days.
Nov 2, 10:38pm
you old bunny you
Nov 2, 11:34pm
Hahaha, my first thought too
Nov 2, 11:43pm
That'll probably be a CoF, rentals and taxis have them.
Way back in the old days the rego sticker was a square one with a number, placed top middle.
Nov 2, 11:44pm
Jap sticker that hasn't been removed since imported.
Nov 2, 11:51pm
Rental car fleet number.
Nov 27, 10:31am
Its a Jap rego sticker from memory.or something like that. Basicly it means the kiwi grooming staff haven't done their job properly
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