Car insurance for teen

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hardenbol, Feb 6, 5:20am
19 year old son to insure his 1998 toyota caldina full insurance shock horror they want around 170 a month so over 2000 a year for a 5000 dollar car.

nzangel1, Feb 6, 12:19pm
Have checked all prospects? Might find cheaper options elsewhere.

robotnik, Feb 6, 12:38pm
Try State Insurance. Their online quote calculator says $932 per year to insure a 19 yo with a full license driving a '98 non-turbo Caldina worth $5K, in West Auckland.

robotnik, Feb 6, 12:41pm
If he's got the turbo model then he'll be paying more though - tried plugging a Caldina GTT in there and the online quoter on State said you need to call for a quote.

zirconium, Feb 6, 12:47pm
Work out the difference in cost for 3rd party f+t.

My 19yo daugther drives a 1997 non-turbo 4wd manual caldina, and we paid 301 for a full year from AMI. We do have all other insurance with them too. And i put the value of the car at $4000. - That gives you an extra $1700/year to deal with any fender benders. Contrary to popular media opinion, most kids don't prang their cars.

poppy62, Feb 6, 1:18pm
Have switched to Youi for all insurance, savings have been fantastic compared to the others. Well worth checking out.

poppy62, Feb 6, 1:21pm
Correction! contrary to popular opinion a few kids don't prang their cars. My 6 have pranged/ written off at least one or more each. I try to stay off the road when they're out and about.

kazbanz, Feb 6, 2:51pm
Its a by the numbers game
What drivers licence does he have?
How long has he been driving?
what actually is his history re accidents?
Whats his ticket level?
Turbo or non turbo?
Alarmed or not?
garaged or not?
All that goes into the mix

poppajn, Feb 6, 4:22pm
Put it in your name, insure it and name him as an under 25 driver.

mechnificent, Feb 6, 4:29pm
Get third party and tell him to drive carefully and not get it stolen.

mechnificent, Feb 6, 4:32pm
Lol. I like it.

My two haven't crashed any of their own, though one rear ended a vectra with his surf and had to buy it. But they have run a few into the ground. or surf. or dirt.

Insurance doesn't get to be an issue around here.

zirconium, Feb 7, 2:15am
Ha ha, you breed 'em special!

supernova2, Feb 7, 2:27am
You must be one of the (very) few that got a cheaper deal from Youi. Can I ask who you used before?

solarboy, Feb 7, 2:44am
I'm wondering that too.
I was about to start a thread about Youi . My daughter phoned them for a quote and it was about 50% higher than her present insurer AMI so naturally she's staying with them. Youi's tv ads claim some incredible savings for some of their claimed new customers, like hundreds of dollars a year making me somewhat sceptical of their claims ( politely worded lol ).

solarboy, Feb 7, 3:03am
Well that's you safe then but if you're serious about their lousy, incompetant driving I'm surprised you're admitting it. As they all have similar lack of ability I sure hope they don't drive in the Wairarapa !

franc123, Feb 7, 3:08am
That is consistent with what I've seen and heard too, its surprising the commerce commission hasn't done them for false advertising. To imply that an average person with a good record driving an average car that's not over represented in crash or theft stats, ie having no "special" insurance requirements or red flags will save hundreds on premiums is rubbish. If you are say a 35yo male with no claims that's had a full licence for 17yrs and you own/ drive a $3000 Caldina in a low risk area you will be paying only 2-300 p/a for comprehensive and glass anyway and not much less for TPFT, no company will give Hundreds off that.

poppy62, Feb 7, 4:02am
AMI, rang State about the same as AMI, Vero even more.

poppy62, Feb 7, 4:25am
AMI renewal premium for wifes car (Smart Forfour) clean record for 30years. $495.00 . State quote $486.00. YOUi premium $325.00 . House renewal premium with Vero $2135.00. YOUi premium $985.00 and because I took out car insurance got a 10% discount. I'm currently coming up for renewal on my 2007 car (3rd party) with AMI premium is set at $155.00. Youi full cover $365.00 10% discount so will take this option. There are other insurances that we will switch to YOUi as they come up for renewal. It's been a massive saving for me/us.

mm12345, Feb 7, 4:29am
You need to also nominate them as "primary" driver.
Under 21 is a potential problem, as is restricted license. With full license, no claims, and over 21, cost per car (we have a few) was only a few dollars per car to cover under 25s, and about $30/year for the car nominated as the one where 21YO is primary driver.
Excess is higher ($500 IIRC), but that's fine. Running up the arse of some 1/2 million dollar jalopy and writing it off would be a bugger of a way to enter adulthood.

solarboy, Feb 8, 1:08am
Yes, daughter was pretty disgusted with their figure after seeing their claimed savings on the tv ads. She's only had one very minor claim in decades ( tail-light lens ) and only uses her car once a month or so, does 1000 to 1200 km per year so it spends most of it's life in a locked garage - insurer's dream "risk" really.

poppajn, Feb 8, 1:15am
Youi are like SpecSaver's, look's good in ad's but wait till you get there, then it's so different. I enquired, but stayed with AMI, $364 for $10,000

supernova2, Feb 8, 1:28am
Thats very interesting. Do you have exactly the same cover as before? Same excess, same extra bits - rental car, glass, etc? All our insurance expires on same day ( house, contents, vehicles). This year I upped the excess to $1,000 on each and saved over $500 in premiums. I figure that if the house burns down whats a grand compared to 3/4 million. 3/4 mill - thats horrific when you think its just a house with a pile of home comforts (aka Chinese junk) that if push came to shove we could do without and not miss any of it.

tjholding, Feb 8, 2:28pm
NOT THIS - this is technically fraud and COULD lead to a claim being declined. You are delibaratly providing false information to reduce your premium.

EDITED: Added clarification to what I was referring, and want to be clear this is a COULD not WILL situation. Utimately if in doubt consult an expert (either legal or insurance).

sw20, Feb 8, 3:03pm
I did the online quote for my RX-8. I'm 35 with no at fault claims for 15 years. They were more expensive, had to have an excess of $1000 instead of $300 to even try and keep the premium at a similar level to AMI, and it was only market value instead of my agreed value with AMI.

franc123, Jun 28, 6:13pm
Yeah well you wouldn't go there would you.