In the poop again, Chrysler Avenger motor

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mrfxit, Sep 14, 9:04pm
Son brought a 1980 1300cc Avenger in tidy condition but we knew it had a dodgy engine (priced accordingly)

He got another short block for the crank .
(Short version)
Spare crank & bearings are serviceable but has casting air pocket pits in some of the journals.

Original engine crank has been run till one set big end shells have slipped & spun together scouring the crank & bearing caps.

So ,,,,
1 dodgy crank from a servicable block
1 stuffed crank & rod with an unknown condition long block etc.
No idea on piston sizes etc yet.

Any ideas on who & where we might find another running 1300cc motor from.

morrisman1, Sep 14, 9:07pm
Put a rotor in it bro

muzz67, Sep 14, 9:18pm
Aren'y they the same as the A series BMC,, ie Marina/1300/Mini internally?

bwg11, Sep 14, 9:23pm
Don't think so.

mrfxit, Sep 14, 9:34pm
Hillman / Chrysler Avenger 1300/ 1600 were only in the Avengers as far as I know for NZ.

Even a running 1600 would be ok for now (still got 3 months wof ;-)
Only prob with a 1600 is it would need to be complete with carb & exhaust

elect70, Sep 14, 9:52pm
Get crook journal built up & reground, assuming can still get bearing shells fo r it

poppy62, Sep 14, 10:00pm
Yes there was only the 1.3. 1.5 & 1.6 motors and an uprated Avenger known as the Tiger, may pay you to check out the Hillman avenger car club.

poppy62, Sep 14, 10:01pm
Different Motor company BMC as opposed to Rootes Group (Chrysler)

bwg11, Sep 14, 10:32pm
Avenger Alpine?

sr2, Sep 14, 10:40pm
Try the NZ Avenger forum, (yes there is one).
Looks like lots of parts and advice there.

tony9, Sep 14, 10:41pm
I take it that the crank with the casting pockets came out of a well running engine? If so, I would put it together with that crank as is. If nothing else is wrong, it should be OK for a 1980 Avenger.

If he stuffs it with that crank, he will probably stuff it no matter what you do.

jokerboss, Sep 15, 12:09am
also came in 1500 versions, got my 1600 up to 89kw at the wheels on Hub dyno, cam/lightend/balanced in my Rally car, but yea start n the Avenger Forum or, there??

mrfxit, Sep 15, 12:45am
I will if I have to . but not wanting to.
Done a few rebuilds from purely s/h parts including all pistons/ rings/bearings /gaskets etc & done very well with them for lifespan.
Not an easy or quick task tho & you need a good size stock of parts to choose from.

1st time I have seen that air pocket casting pits issue.
Mind you tho, it may have been like that on other cranks that were properly stuffed so never bothered looking further.

mrfxit, Sep 15, 12:50am
Heres the spare crank

I spotted another "pocket cap" & tapped the cap off with a small screwdriver.
So thats 3 & counting

bwg11, Sep 15, 1:30am
Never seen these "pits" before either. Says a lot about quality control in 70's in the UK.

mrfxit, Sep 15, 1:37am
Not hard to see why I am a bit hesitant in reusing it.
Appears to have had new shells but the bores seem original with only slight wear.
Not popped a piston out of the spare block yet.

Original block is too badly worn for a reliable re-ring including charcoal black piston skirts.
flippen head is going to need a skim as well as it's clearly been leaking between all 4 cylinders.

tony9, Sep 15, 1:48am
Have seen those before. There does not seem to be a correlation between them and premature bearing failure.

mrfxit, Sep 15, 2:04am
Any of the "caps" coming off would gouge a bit of white metal off

skull, Sep 15, 2:05am
I think they'll be fine so long as the edges aren't going to grab the bearing shell. It's not a lot different to the oil hole going around except the oil will just be there and not flowing. Those motors didn't have a reputation for eating bearings as far as I can recall so should be fine.

Just saw your reference to finding more pocket caps, I don't think I'd trust it in that case, I'd be looking for a 1600 motor complete. If it's worth doing a rebuild it's worth doing it on a better motor.

mrcat1, Sep 15, 2:27am
Or a small block with a couple of windmills.

tony9, Sep 15, 2:30am
No, keep it simple and same manufacturer. 265 E49 with triple webers. Some would say you would not need a cert for that.

bert37, Sep 15, 3:07am
pity your so far away i have heaps of avenger stuff

mrfxit, Sep 15, 3:18am
Anything in the way of new engine parts.?

mrcat1, Sep 15, 4:30am
I had a mate years ago that had a marina with a factory fitted P76 6 cylinder engine in it, that went alright.

sr2, Sep 15, 5:47am
LOL, i like it. I'm sure the WOF guy wouldn't notice the steering wheel was in the back seat!