Time to get an insurance payout?

saxman99, Aug 11, 2:45am
40 days between claim lodged and payout received. Is that about right? What are your experiences?

In not having a moan as such as I am in the luxurious position of having spare cars but it just seemed that for most people a while to be without a car.

gunhand, Aug 11, 2:50am
Less than a week on a car and a day on other claims. But now that IAG own most company's a month wouldnt surprise me one bit.

bigfatmat1, Aug 11, 3:13am
Nearly a month for me ami

hosky65, Aug 11, 3:34am
4 days from first phone call to money in the bank on car writeoff. FMG

saxman99, Aug 11, 5:39am
That's not bad at all.

sw20, Aug 11, 5:46am
A week and a bit in 2012 with AMI. Hail damaged MR2. I took car to panel shop, car assessed and claim put in on the Monday, I picked up the cheque Friday week from the branch.

dinx, Aug 12, 6:42pm
Was it vero? Sounds similar to a relatives recent experience, 3 weeks alone just to get a decision despite the vehicle being at their chosen repairer the day of the accident. Will have to get an update on how long the $ takes, then being only 1 month after renewal the remaining 11months of premiums were being deducted from settlement too.

I suspect if rental car cover was included they would be faster as each day would cost them.

saxman99, Aug 12, 8:06pm
No comment.

dinx, Aug 12, 9:21pm
I see. Unfortunately the person I know is going to stay with them, because it's the only way to get just over 11 months of premiums on a car that they wrecked back as a credit on new policy. But I know them and they won't shop around when the renewal comes up again either.

Hmmm :-\

saxman99, Oct 13, 1:27pm
I'll probably stay too, there are other reasons for that. I've just completed a survey they sent me asking about what I think of their claim process. I told them exactly what I thought.