Xr6 warning light

amberley1, Feb 1, 2:59am
Hi can anyone help with a light that has come up on my falcon it looks like a battery symbol with some squiggly lines inside it (possibly overheating lines?) Any help appreciated amberley1

franc123, Feb 1, 3:07am
What year XR and do these sqiggly lines form the shape of a fan?

jmma, Feb 1, 3:11am

amberley1, Feb 1, 1:34pm
Hi thanks its a 96,and yes the are a fan shape, w
the icon wasnt in the other list that was posted

holdensorfords, Feb 1, 1:36pm
Possibly the window washer bottle needs water or faulty motor on the bottle. Just give it a few taps & see if it comes right.

mike77, Feb 1, 2:13pm
It is Low coolent level.

amberley1, Feb 2, 2:25pm
Yes it was low coolant level, just needed topping up, thanks for the help

thunderbolt, Jul 11, 7:13am
The cooling system is a "sealed" system, and shouldn't need topping up.
Look carefully for a leak somewhere or a defective cap.