just wondering if anyone could help me out with this. I bought a Moped on trade me a few days ago. On the advertisement the buyer said that the rego is expiring in July 2019. When I got home and checked the scooter rego and it had expired on the 7/7/18. Rego costs $150.
What would be my rights in this seeing that it has been falsely advertised and the goods are not as described?
Jul 13, 6:08am
My first reaction would be to contact the vendor. It may be a simple mistake.
Jul 13, 6:46am
Registration and licensing are 2 different things, registration is when the vehicle is added to the list of vehicles and is generally carried out once per vehicle, licensing is the label you put in the window to show you have paid your fee to use the vehicle on the road and is usually done annually or for a shorter period, it might be that the seller got it wrong, or it is more likely they know the difference and were pointing out that the vehicle is still listed in the system
Jul 13, 7:09am
Budget has your answer. Contact the seller again. No joy send some buddies around . That's if what you are saying is correct. Otherwise get all info and go to the small claims court.
Jul 13, 8:14am
Did you pay full asking price for it?
Jul 13, 8:22am
Without a listing number one has to query as to whether the rego was **on hold** for 12 months and the expiry of the hold was July 2019
. I bought a Moped on trade me a few days ago. On the advertisement the buyer said that the rego is expiring in July 2019. When I got home and checked the scooter rego and it had expired on the 7/7/18
Jul 13, 11:03am
Are you sure the seller didn't just forget to give you the lable.? Or just forgot to extend the rego for you? Either way you need to contact the seller. Remember the old Teaspoon of honey works best,
Jul 13, 11:50am
no honey from me , . I lost about 8 g this year with those bloody bees !
Jul 14, 6:01pm
Put ya rego number on 'CarJam' be interesting what shows up. Make sure you scroll all the way down, interesting what's down there & might show if rego is on hold till July2019 which might be what was meant but maybe not put across right [portrayed, if that's the word] in the auction--which is pretty unfortunate if the case. Might take the scoot back & refund--or not. What was the auction number so we can see the wording [are we allowed to look?]. Blimey, was just looking at licensing fees & pretty scary. Over 500 for a big bike--well, 600cc & over. though all that had got cheaper or just my car! . https://www.nzta.govt.nz/vehicles/licensing-rego/vehicle-fees/licensing-fees/
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