Toyota Vitz or Honda Fit (2007 to 2008)

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tgray, Sep 18, 5:02am
The OP is asking specifically about the Toyota Vitz and the Honda Jazz.
I think your post is disrespectful and exactly the type of thing you accuse others of.
Come on Jazz, your better than this.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 18, 5:26am
And there we have it in a nutshell.

ema1, Sep 18, 6:41am
Even when the thread O.P. asked a specific question, talking nutshells talking to yourself could suggest something. here we have a nut case folks.
Hey jazz show a bit of respect. errrm dumb to ask that as it's neigh on impossible !
You'd get into a right bitch if folks started bombing Euro threads being asked about on here . more so if you start them. oh mighty one. not !
I would far sooner take notice of someone in the business rather than people who try to take over threads with their fanboy Euro trash propaganda.

kazbanz, Sep 18, 7:11am
There is a program you can install on a desktop that is effectively a spamblocker or ignore function. it only doesn't work when the spammer is quoted.

ema1, Sep 18, 7:28am
Disrespectful totally in this case and plenty of others and it often gets to sickening crusade levels, but I don't think that word would even feature in his vocabulary along with heaps of other words I'd wager !

ema1, Sep 18, 7:53am
You find nuts in nutshells.

thejazzpianoma, Sep 18, 1:28pm
Not a program as such, a script for chrome. Please install it if I annoy you. It makes my life easier as well. Google troll blocker and you should find it.

ema1, Sep 20, 3:08pm
Ohhhhh Ignorance is bliss.