Stupid Aussie rules for towing.

casper35, Aug 21, 1:54pm

m16d, Aug 21, 2:35pm
Um. they're not that stupid. some of the loads those guys are hauling are right up there. a ute loaded with everything but the kitchen sink, and towing a 3 ton caravan.

lookoutas, Aug 21, 3:16pm
Shhhhhhh - don't tell anyone over here!

franc123, Aug 21, 3:22pm
The only stupid thing about it is that its not going to be enforced Australia and for that matter NZ wide. This practice isn't encouraged by the manufacturers anyway and is a good way to void your warranty if something breaks. I think it is a timely reminder to the buyers of these 4 and 5 cylinder Thai Tonka Toys that they are NOT in the Ford F/Chev Silverado/Dodge Ram league. Even 3 tons is too much for these LIGHT pickups to be towing IMO.

msigg, Aug 21, 3:24pm
Well you have to do your homework. It will come here too eventually.

tweake, Aug 21, 3:29pm
sounds like they are stopping the basic gvm upgrades which i'm not sure we even have here. not sure about things like dual rear axles.

i've seen companies here sell and install "gvm upgrade" suspensions telling the customer they can now carry and tow more. theres no cert etc so its not legal and its probably an illegal sales tactic.

vtecintegra, Aug 21, 4:00pm
Right up until they crack the chassis

mrcat1, Aug 21, 5:47pm

And people on here wonder why I bought a new Dodge Ram 2500 heavy duty when I have 8 trailers with 4 being big tandems.

eleni01, Aug 21, 8:07pm
Good job, as a road train driver and mechanic in WA, a good portion of these grey nomads are a bloody nuisance, holding up loaded 90kmh 50 metre road trains weighing 120-170 tonne on straight, flat out back roads.

Ive always thought the rated towing capacities for these 4wds are optimistic and more suited to the best case scenario. It is rather scary that a double cab ute can be 6 tonnes combined (or more with the current allowed GCM upgrades), with the driver requiring no experience or knowledge on axle/vehicle weights etc. In comparison to what is required for a class 2 licence.

martin11, Oct 19, 9:14pm
The cops in Aus will enforce the rules when they are applied , much better at enforcing rules than NZ ones .
We Cracked a windscreen on a rental nears Ayres Rock and was pulled over twice by cops and told because the vehicle was not up to their Wof standard they could order the vehicle off the road . Lucky I have proof that we had it booked in for a new screen in Alice Springs over 1000 km away they let me go with just a warning . Which even though I was on a NZ licence the warning is recorded on their system over there and comes up when they check .