Car troubles after using Oil Changers.

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cloudcover, Jul 12, 4:27pm
Just wondering if anyone can comment on what might be the trouble with our car.
Yesterday had the oil changed and transmission oil changed in the car. When finished the guy asked if the engine light was on prior to going in. Hubby said no, it wasn't. Guy said he'd reset the light - and did so.

During the day today hubby said he noticed the engine light went off, on it's own.
Tonight drove the car out for dinner. Freezing cold and noticed the heating wasn't working.
Drove home - 15 minute drive - noticed the engine light was back on and by the time we got home the temperature gauge was very, very high. Got out of car and could smell the engine.

Hubby checked under bonnet (not mechanically minded) but noticed the water/coolant levels were fine.

Car was fine prior to going to oil changers.
Engine light had never been on before.

. going back to Oil changers tomorrow. Feeling worried they will deny any fault. Wondering what they may have done/not done to cause this?

Keen to hear your comments/suggestions/advice.

Thanks in advance.

mrfxit, Jul 12, 4:33pm
I would also line up the local franchise service center for information before going back & then for a check up after that for the oilchangers checkup

snoopy221, Jul 12, 4:37pm
Having read this especially THIS

Hubby checked under bonnet (not mechanically minded) but noticed the water/coolant levels were fine.

Would SERIOUSLY recommend making SURE the radiator IS checked and not just the plastic overflow bottle BEFORE DRIVING ANY WHERE

When finished the guy asked if the engine light was on prior to going in. Hubby said no, it wasn't. Guy said he'd reset the light - and did so.

During the day today hubby said he noticed the engine light went off, on it's own.
Tonight drove the car out for dinner. Freezing cold and noticed the heating wasn't working.
Drove home - 15 minute drive - noticed the engine light was back on and by the time we got home the temperature gauge was very, very high. Got out of car and could smell the engine.

Hubby checked under bonnet (not mechanically minded) but noticed the water/coolant levels were fine.

cloudcover, Jul 12, 4:42pm
mrfxit: Are you saying we should ring Oil Changers before going in and tell them what has happened?
My first thoughts are that they aren't going to take responsibility for our car suddenly dying! . how do we prove that it was fine prior to visiting them?

h.e, Jul 12, 4:49pm
I see you had both the motor and transmission done. What colour is the oil in the motor? If its red not so good

meow_mix, Jul 12, 4:55pm
I wouldn't drive the car at all if it's overheating, you could cause serious engine damage. I would have it towed to a proper mechanic (not Oil Changers) to have the fault diagnosed.

cloudcover, Jul 12, 4:55pm
checked dipstick - was quite clear as clean. Wasn't red.

snoopy221, Jul 12, 4:58pm
Temerature gauge reading very hot and heater blowing cold air
Simply tells ANY mechanic

No Coolant

Hubby checked under bonnet (not mechanically minded) but noticed the water/coolant levels were fine.

Would SERIOUSLY recommend making SURE the radiator IS checked and not just the plastic overflow bottle BEFORE DRIVING ANY WHERE

So posted TWICE
Hubby is WRONG-End of

cloudcover, Jul 12, 5:06pm
Thanks snoopy221 - please can you help us understand -

- water is in plastic container . but possibly not in the Radiator - so engine is not being cooled.

Is there any way this could have happened at Oil Changers when oil and transmission were being done? Could hoses have been mixed up, stopping water reaching engine?

snoopy221, Jul 12, 5:10pm
Repeats do NOT drive it

cloudcover, Jul 12, 5:19pm
Hi, thanks for the info. Certainly won't be driving it anywhere - thanks!

2006 Mazda 6 stationwagon, 243,000kms

supernova2, Jul 12, 5:43pm
I think that Oil Changrs might have a bit of liability here. That engine light came on for a reason. They should have actually checked the reason and not just cleared the light.
Just changing the oil probably didn't cause the problem but just clearing an error light without finding out why could have resulted in you happily driving the car when you shouldn't have and as a result of that who knows what damage has occurred and what it will cost to get it fixed.
I suggest you ring the boss at oil changers and ask them how they propose to get your car fixed.

stevo2, Jul 13, 1:00am
It says they check all fluids
It sounds to me as if they may have just looked at the level in the plastic reservoir rather than the radiator itself which may have been dry?
I've never been a fan of getting a service done at these places that offer a "Full Service" in under 9 minutes. In my opinion, its not a Full Service and cant be done properly.
I cant see how they could have caused the water to disappear doing their oil change unless they also did some work on the cooling system.

stevexc, Jul 13, 2:18am
I'm no mechanic myself, but just wondering if they could have been trying to get the transmission fluid out of the cooler and drained the radiator by mistake?

kazbanz, Jul 13, 2:44am
Very important.--DONT DRIVE THE CAR.
Regardless of what has actually happened driving the car will only make matters worse.
I suspect no water in the engine but wouldn't want you risking a 4000 repair based on a hunch.

mrfxit, Jul 13, 3:15am
Ring your local franchise dealer & tell them whats & maybe after that, arrange for a onsite inspection at your home, BUT before confirming that, ring Changers & tell them whats happened & come to an agreement that they will cover the cost of the onsite inspection if it shows to be their fault & that they will cover you for any repairs caused by them if proven they are at fault for the current damage.
They shouldn't have any issues with the local franchise dealer having an onsite look at your car.
Remember that the onsite inspection is to prevent any further possible damage by driving it.

cloudcover, Jul 13, 3:55am
Hi, thanks for your advice everyone, it's very helpful.

mrfxit: when you say an "onsite inspection" are you meaning get a local mechanic in to look at it? You also refer to "local franchise dealer" looking at the car - are you meaning a local mechanic?

The local Oil Changers were the people who did our oil change. I'm concerned that if they look at the car they will not see what's been done - who would when it's likely to cost you $. I would prefer a mechanic to look at it first.

intrade, Jul 13, 8:28am
best you dont drive it and have find out if your transmission needs special tools to check level like toyota .
In short There is good reason why you dont cheapskate and go to places like this because you dont know if they have the tools the skills and the correct fluids. Or if they just wing it Shel be right mate stile.

intrade, Jul 13, 8:32am
the car must be hooked on a factory scantool its not the same as ford . mazda are a nightmare in any respect its some abortion of the ford ids tool mazda use.
With that you want to know what code is there due to engine light then establish what the problem is and if the oilchangers have anything to do with this problem or not.
With the findings you go there . The issue is they have the right to repair it first but the other issue is if they did something wrong then why would you want them near the car again . if you know what i mean .

a.woodrow, Jul 13, 8:40am
If you don't talk to oil changers first and get it fixed somewhere else, you will be liable for the repair bill not them. You need to ring them up and give them the opportunity to look at it, even if that means they refer you to another garage anyway

mrfxit, Jul 13, 10:06am
Sequence of events.
TALK to the franchise 1st & a general inspection would be good. then contact OilChangers if needed.
By finding out what to do via a franchise, it will give the car owner a much better idea of what should happen.
Just to "clear the air" I didn't say anything about getting anything repaired 1st before contacting OilChangers

mrfxit, Jul 13, 10:08am
Simply said . DON'T Drive it.
Any inspections must be done where the vehicle is currently parked OR picked up by a tow truck.
To drive it, "could" cause a lot more problems. . or not.
Won't know till someone has a look at it.

curlcrown, Jul 13, 10:25am
Sounds like a case of the since-yous to me.

intrade, Jul 13, 10:43am
could well be it needs to be established what the actuarl problem is.

kazbanz, Jul 13, 10:56am
OP just a heads up. What has happened to your car may well be total coincidence. -Im not saying it is but stranger things have been known to happen.
I don't agree with mrfixit in this case. I'd be calling the company that did the work and ask them what they want to do/have done about the issue.
Give them the chance to find a solution.