Aw. and O.P. the Suzuki Swift as a car is a good choice to make . gawd there are loads of them in NZ and wouldn't you think there is likely to be a damn good reason as to why there are loads of them here. Jazz absolutely hates anything Japanese. Korean and pretty much everything non European it's not funny, it's down right aggravating and he just can't help himself but to launch a tirade of Euro biased lies about all in sundry that's not European. personally I was in the motor trade for a good number of years, now retired and there are others still in the thick of the trade who in turn get the total dismissal treatment by our all pervading and frankly damn rude Euro interjecting individual here. Heck even guys who are dealers of long standing are often dissed by the same arrogant interjecting Euro biased waste of time. Listen to him at your peril, I frankly hope you don't, it's best to listen to folks with credible long term experience in cases like this ! Good Luck and if Suzuki is the choice ultimately then I'm 100% sure you'll enjoy your choice as thousands of other NZders have.
Aug 3, 2:49pm
Nor would I poppajn. the Euro biased auricle on here states just under 9l/100km . that's utter fantasy or it was way out of tune or even he was "LEAD FOOTING" it everywhere just to make a condemming point, wouldn't surprise me a bit. Heck I average around 10l/100kms in a 3 litre Toyota V6 to which he dismissed several years ago. owner experience for gods sake ! I know what my car averages and I can travel at a good clip and have never seen usage on open roads go beyond 11l/100km yet and on long trips I often get below 9l/100km without trying hard, most of my open road driving too is at around legal limits as well with cruise control on over long straight pieces of South Island roads. Around town it uses more as you'd expect but have never ever cracked the 12l/100km barrier yet even while town/city driving over several tank fulls over about 10 days in Christchurch recently. My sisters Swift Sport 1.6 auto doesn't use the purported 9km/100km of our Euro biased twaddle talker. it averages and shes a stickler checking fuel usage and it varies between just under 6l/100km -shy of 7l/100km so there you go, I have been in as a passenger and have driven extensively in her Swift Sport and other Swift's and other Suzuki cars besides and I reckon they are a nifty wee cars for what they are, proven to be utterly reliable too. But non Euro haters here will try to do their best to doub't all the facts . by experience and ownership reports. all the Euro biased lies and rhetoric isn't needed and totally lacks credibility. owners and experience service folks are the credible ones on here ! The Euro warrior on here isn't worth the air surrounding him, just a total waste of time trying to convince with epic length posts of utter denial type diatribe. All to funny to those in the know frankly !. Don't be taken in by any of it !
Aug 3, 3:12pm
This thread predictably blew up quite nicely:)
But yup. Swifts are a decent little car.
I'll not even be baited by the Fiat stories of JPM.
Aug 3, 4:23pm
Ha ha . Fiat stories . that's all they are, tall ones at that !
Aug 3, 9:57pm
I myself have a 5 year Swift Sports done just over 130,000 hasn't had an issue, i know 4 other people at work who have varying models and none have/had any problems. Haven't heard a bad word spoken about them from people who actually own them.
Aug 4, 10:42am
Dude! Impressive to say the least and had to be said. People like him are the reason some of us no longer post
Aug 4, 10:44am
Yet here you are?
Aug 4, 12:01pm
Yep and I was away for a long enough spell myself.
Nov 4, 4:41am
Is that a crime, berg is credible . whereas ?
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