BMW X5 anyone lowered one

wizzbikz, Sep 27, 10:41am
If so whats the ride like?. Know anyone in Tauranga who could do it.? its 09 4.8 V8 going to be xmas for grandson .

vtecintegra, Sep 27, 10:56am
You know they make a 5 series wagon right? You’d get far better results by trading it for one of them.

tamarillo, Sep 27, 11:24am
I can but a imagine the ride will be terrible. They're damn firm for an SUV already so removing springs sounds dreadful. Sorry but IMO please don't. It will look dreadful.

rsr72, Sep 27, 11:27am
14'' wheels.

poppy62, Sep 27, 11:28am
Why would you compromise the factory set up for something that would upset the total handling and ride of the X5. You'd have to check with your Insurance Company as well as this planned modification to the factory setting may Null and Void your Policy. There will also have to be Compliance to the modifications.

tony9, Sep 27, 11:38am
Suggest you ask again in Parenting or Opinion & Politics.

They will have similar taste to you.

bwg11, Sep 27, 12:29pm
Leave it alone. I wince every time a see one of those lowered, body-kitted, tinted, white R50 Terranos. Must have been a fashion in Japan 20 years ago.

simms31, Sep 27, 12:35pm
Yep, car companies like BMW, or any car company, spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars developing of optimising their vehicle setups; and some people just can't wait to scrap all that to make it look as tacky and low rent as possible. Classy.

gammelvind, Sep 27, 1:26pm
But but how else are they going to get their backward capped hoodied heads to bob up and down like eggs on a washboard.

wizzbikz, Sep 27, 3:07pm
THANKS guys grandson has read threads and is going to settle for set of better looking 22s and a fuel card

flossy64, Sep 30, 1:16pm
Do you need another grandson?

kingfisher21, Sep 30, 5:48pm
X5's have self-levelling airbags anyhow.

elect70, Oct 1, 6:07am
^^^ even better , just drop the air out man& yous got an instant lowed beamer

toenail, Oct 1, 1:24pm
Yes, BMW lowers them and is sold as BMW 5-series.

bill-robinson, Jan 5, 1:50am
msport version is magic
as for the original post, teach the boy what cars are for. posing is for tossers/dreamers