Say you have a crash, and your rego expires while it's in the workshop and it's expected to take minimum 2 months to fix, is it worth putting rego on hold? I'm aware of the 3 month minimum but i can't work my head around how it works in terms of re-rego'ing. If i put it on hold and i get it back within 2 months, i just back pay to when it expired is that correct? Is there any point? If i don't renew the rego until i get it back - just leave it expired, is there any problem? I suppose is the panel yard leave it on the road it could get a fine, but it's not driveable so i assume they wouldn't
Oct 7, 3:34pm
Put it on hold for 6 months. Tell the panel yard not to leave it on the road, or else!
Oct 7, 3:55pm
You also have to put it on hold before the rego runs out or pay the rego up till the date you put it on hold.
Oct 7, 3:57pm
always put on hold 12 month as its self canceling should you put it back on road 4 or 5 six seven or aight months later the regoc comes out of hold as soon as you license it again-
Oct 8, 12:30pm
if a panelbeater says a minimum of 2 months, you will be lucky to see it back in 6 months
Oct 8, 2:00pm
cost nothing and you can do it online think you even have a 28 day grace period of it expiring and putting it on hold before it costs you and as intrade pointed out always do it for a year because if you remove the hold before a 3 month block is done then you have to back pay ie if you put it on hold for 3 months and its not ready you add another 3 months and its ready in 2 months you will have to pay the 2 months, its it on hold for 12 once the first 3 months is done then you are sweet.
Dec 29, 4:08pm
Well thats hard to swallow. Luckily our panel beater is well regarded and a good guy. It wasn't him who said 2 months (my mistake sorry), he can't put a time frame on it, depends on parts etc. But the insurance co haven't approved the quote yet so we're jumping ahead. I'm just gonna renew the rego and hope for the best. Thanks for your help everyone once again! The saga continues.
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