Electric window on car - help please

dee107, Sep 21, 7:26am
Can someone tell me if a mechanic is trying to scam me as he tested for the fault and said it was the window regulator that had stopped working so they replaced it, tested it and they said all windows worked.

Before I LEFT the workshop, I tested them all myself with the window switch and the back window had stopped working? He said to take it back in a few days and they'll have a look to see what the problem is.

I took it back, they installed a secondhand window switch and all the windows worked again so he wanted to charge me for that part too. I told them I would go back another day to sort it out but never did as I felt I got ripped off.

Any valid feedback would be appreciated thanks.

poppy62, Sep 21, 7:45am
If you don't pay then there is no recourse for you. You could go back and raise your concerns and ask to see proof that a window regulator/motor assembly was purchased by the mechanic for you car. Also ask for proof of purchase of the window switch as well. You also should have got a copy of the invoice detailing what was purchased (and cost) and what the labour content consisted of. It is imperative that you remain civil throughout your discussions and either the repairer will furnish you with all the proof you require or perhaps there could be a mutual agreement for settlement if inadequate proof is not provided for.

kazbanz, Sep 21, 8:18am
So just to clarify how Im reading this. You had a window that didn't work.
The window now works but you refuse to pay for the repair on the basis that ?
1) they are trying to rip you off ?
2) they misdiagnosed the faulty regulator?
3)you paid for first repair wont pay for second?
If it is 1 then ask for the old parts.
if its 2 then again ask for the old parts and get the reg tested
To me to be honest it sounds like it is you trying to scam an innocent tradie.

dee107, Sep 21, 9:05am
#3 kazbanz. I'm just someone who thinks it was the window switch at fault from the start as the window they replaced the regulator/motor assembly on, is no longer working again (forgot to mention in my first thread). But thanks so much for your feedback. P.S. I'm not on this earth to scam anyone. Enjoy the rest of your day.

dee107, Sep 21, 9:10am
Thank you poppy62 I might just ask them for that proof.

kazbanz, Sep 21, 10:32am
at this point in time you have a window that's been repaired and you haven't paid for the repair. What could the mechanic possibly have to gain by fitting a part and telling you the car was fixed if it wasn't fixed ?

snoopy221, Sep 21, 12:15pm
Can we PLEASE clarify EXACTLY which window?
And all problems being the SAME window?
{make and model would also help-and year}
Some vehicles window regulator faults were common-although usually Right Front window is akin to fail first being most used.
And switch faults can be intermittent and common as quite often the switch panel is on the drivers door-and exposed to rain with door ajar.
But again make, model and year will tell us where the switch panel is.

msigg, Sep 21, 1:33pm
No he is not trying to scam you, sometimes these thing do happen, you are not out of pocket, with electrical problems it is best to go to an auto sparky, they are better able to test things properly, they are hardly gonna get rich from your work.

intrade, Sep 21, 3:44pm
if they replaced the same switch twice then you dont pay for the secound replacment of the already replaced switch its called warranty work to you and to him it is called a come-back.

intrade, Sep 21, 3:52pm
if he replaced a secound other switch, then thats called poor comunication for him and for you it seems a ripoff.
i always show parts and explain the reason why it failed and what the most likely cause could be .

dee107, Sep 21, 10:35pm
I paid for the replacement regulator/motor assembly on the drivers side door as THAT was the initial fault. problem solved. But then the BACK window stopped working as I went to leave their workshop so I assumed they misdiagnosed the fault so in response to your first post, I SHOULD have asked for the faulty regulator so I could have it tested elsewhere. I realised I mucked up when you said that so. thank you. PLUS, as I posted and sent this thread I also realised the fault was with a different window and not the one I paid for, so this was all an UNINTENTIONAL waste of time really.

dee107, Sep 21, 10:41pm
Thanks msigg, never thought to take it to an auto sparky. I will keep it in mind for next time

dee107, Sep 21, 11:11pm
It's okay snoopy221, what you have written has told me what I needed to know.Thanks for that.

dee107, Sep 21, 11:33pm
Thanks intrade, he went to change the switch but because i already paid for the motor assembly i never had him install the switch.i needed time to look into it a bit more as i felt the job he did the first time didn't fix the problem and he never gave an in depth explanation like what snoopy221 just told me on here, which is why i jumped to conclusions thinking he was trying to rip me off. All fixed now.thanks for your time.

lookoutas, Sep 22, 3:58am
Seems like a case of too much 'thinking'

kazbanz, Sep 22, 4:43am
Mate you need to read the posts
First post says a reg was replaced first then a switch -so not two switches at all
Then it turns out that there was a fault with a different window.
Kinda like having a flat tyre on the right front being fixed then finding you have a flat tyre with the left rear tyre.

kazbanz, Sep 22, 4:50am
All good Dee -as I said to Intrade what you NOW describe is like taking the car in to have a flat fixed on the right front tyre then it turns out you had a slow leak in your left rear tyre. -The mechanic fixed the initial fault just not the one that turned up later.
THAT SAID --to clarify for us prop head types.-The switch that was replaced -was it the switch in the drivers door or in the passenger door?
if it was passenger door then yep it was just bad timing. If it was the one in the drivers door then it may have been misdiagnosis. -equally it may have been there were two faults.

edangus, Sep 22, 5:39am
Could also be the age of the car. Pesky wiring and moisture. Works fine and then shits itself when you disturb it.

I would be paying the man.

Had a very similar experience, replaced regulator (it was 100% forked). Switch was filthy as well with cigarette ash and rain. But they cleaned, put back in (they also told me). 2 weeks later it crapped out. So I put a new switch assembly in. fixed.

Also to give Kudos where deserved. The regulator fudges out exactly 1 yr and 2 weeks later (they gave me a one year warranty) they honored it and replaced at no charge.

Shame they have since closed up shop. Best Stealership I have ever dealt with.

dee107, Jan 12, 1:41am
Cheers edangus.i'll get the switch eventually.