Modern headlight whinge.again.

gunhand, Aug 15, 3:39pm
Geez I loath these new HID, LED or whatever incarnation they are now.
Do manufactures not actually test in the real world anymore or just computer analyze everything and say yep that'll work gooder ?
Just this morning I had a car or ute or SUV or whatever come up behind me from a long way off (I was stuck behind a bus) and all I could see in rear views was purple alternating between left and right, going to a green colour then yellow back to white. even when I tilted the mirror (as you do when headlights are behind you) once it got close it was still bloody annoying. Not to mention every dip or bump makes them look like they are flicking between high and low.
And in the fog when they approach you are literately blinded as they seem to reflect of the water particles or something, and I was driving a truck that time.
Nothing wrong with my eyesight but others must find this too. Probably marvelous on the other side of them though.
And just to add to it they have bloody LED running lights going as well, you would think these would shut off when lights go on.
Yes yes starving children in South Auks and houses are very expensive but man these things bug me.
Rant over. as they say.

supernova2, Aug 15, 3:45pm
If I had my way everything would still have 7" round headlights. Didnt go all cloudy, didnt cost a fortune, easy to adjust. Perfect.

gsimpson, Aug 15, 3:47pm
Aren't day time running lights supposed to turn off when the main lights go on?

wind.turbine, Aug 15, 4:07pm
yea I really dont know how all these new cars get away with having DRLs running all the time

bigfatmat1, Aug 15, 4:10pm
They dim. its the auto adjust that causes the flickering. I believe its a adr standard now.

gunhand, Aug 15, 4:15pm
Well they should test drive cars on real roads, ones with dips and bumps every 10 meters not a flat as a pancake motorway on monitor.

atom.ant, Aug 15, 4:19pm
lol and bring back bench seats and 3 on a tree

skull, Aug 15, 4:22pm
Yeah and while we are at it lets get rid of synchromesh on 1st gear, that'll sort 'em.

djrandomguy, Aug 15, 4:36pm
h7 bulbs, price ranges from $42 dollars each, to $16 for a pair [which i went with today] . part of the problem is people buying SUV's when they don't need a vehicle that high, which adds to glare problem when they are behind you.

rob_man, Aug 15, 4:46pm
And roll your own windows, and carburetors. Cursive script too. Old style jet plane lollies, orange squash gums, songs with meaningful lyrics.

bill1451, Aug 15, 5:50pm
totally agree with you "gunhand" I reckon I,ll mount a reverse facing LED spot on the back bumper and when an SUV comes up I,ll blast him with several hundred watts and burn the retinas on his eyeballs to a frazzle, oh yea and then turn on the afterburner and turn him and his suv to a mass of black ash.

hkjoe, Aug 16, 1:31pm
And what was wrong with having the high beam switch on the floor, near the clutch pedal?

esky-tastic, Oct 24, 6:50am
With most cars being automatic that would be a great idea, no need to move/remove your hand from the steering wheel.