The siren on my car alarm has lost its volume when arming/disarming.Would a new siren Fix it or is a new alarm required TA.
Sep 18, 4:04pm
its not full of expanding foam?
Sep 18, 4:08pm
why would you want a stupid alarm? a thive is not going to give a rats they will heva some foam or the key to turn it off in there theiving tools supply. My guess is the battery in the horn is getting worn .
Sep 18, 4:49pm
intrade wrote: why would you want a stupid alarm?
a bit rude. OP does not have to justify to you.
Sep 18, 5:38pm
not rood pointing out how useless a aftermarket alarm is , i recon its a great help to know its no where near save. actuarly so quite helpfull is what it is for real.
Sep 19, 5:46am
Can you trigger it to "go off" ? -reason I ask is it may just be a setting if it screams at normal volume
Sep 19, 7:14am
Yes Kaz I can trigger it to go off but its still nearly inaudible.Will check wiring but might be a new siren Thks.
Sep 19, 7:21am
Maybe it is aftermarket maybe not. You asked the OP why he wanted a stupid alarm. He was asking for help.
Note rude an . I reckon it's it's nowhere safe. Actually helpful
Hope that helps:)
Sep 19, 7:41am
It is an aftermarket alarm because the remote for the central locking was u/s and a replacement was totally unavailable so i took the advice of a poster on here and had an inexpensive alarm fitted .It has worked well for nearly 2 years but now the siren is nearly inaudible.Thanks again Kaz.
Sep 19, 7:51am
I would be checking where the "brain" for the alarm is. If the siren is simply just that I would be checking to see if I could feed power to the siren itself without feeding back to the "brain". If its a cheap /nastu alarm the issue may be the wiring more than the siren itself.
Sep 19, 7:55am
its the battery in the horn they use a rechargable battery in the alarm horn. the way they work is if you snip the wires the horn blows till the battery is empty or its turned off . Most common no start i had to fix was caused by aftermarket alarm. Quite difficult to convince some people that removing it will make the car work again as intended. last one was a starlet toyota 96. i just serviced it then it had a no start 2 month later. removed it and reconnected the wiring as per factory and woala! starts and is reliable. I said its 98% the shitty alarm because these old- toyota do not brake down ever! like this . never ever. If i had to figure out what cause the problem and fixing it and it failed again then i would have to fix it for free . Yea not with me that aint gona happen. Number 1 alarm is bypassed in 2 minutes number 2 it causes no starts not if but when the onehanglow crap in them fails.
Sep 19, 8:00am
yes if the charge circuit is faulty then the battery wi\ll not recharge.
Sep 19, 1:15pm
Just checked.Wires to siren are still intact.Alarm arms /disarms ok /Indicators flash ok on arm /disarm and locks lock /unlock so would appear to be a faulty or terminally ill siren.Have a friendly auto sparky in next street so will have a chat.New sirens are cheap on TM.Have a lovely Day.
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