All time favorite motor sports

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socram, Jul 9, 4:24pm
Pre 1966's GTs at Goodwood. Revivals.
Pre 1961 F1 cars - also at Goodwood Revivals.
Mixed make/classes at Bathhurst(s).
First Wellington Street race.
Also agree about the BTCC of yeas ago.

bill-robinson, Jul 10, 10:06am
any series I have a car in is good

seadubya, Jul 10, 10:33am
Rally cross

laurelanne, Jul 10, 12:46pm
Touring car racing where there used to be David and Goliath contests. Six cylinder Toranas and Valiants, up against 351 GT Falcons. Watching BMW M3s dicing with Commodores. I remember every year there was a car that was going to dethrone the Chargers at the Benson and Hedges. I don't think it ever happened.

mrfxit, Jul 10, 1:25pm
Yep bloomin good racing back then.
All they really needed was better safety features in the cars & better track walls etc.
Sadly, thats pretty much all gone now.

bill-robinson, Jul 11, 9:29am
watched some speedway from poland on sat, and sun evenings. some of the best racing i have ever seen. I will watch more,lots more, when i can find it

purple666, Jul 11, 9:47am
World Speedway Bikes
non-usa Drag Racing, unless Nostalgia Drags then all of it.

the-lada-dude, Jul 11, 10:01am
Is that the cinder or ice ? . gripes, that ice speedway is like having buss saw blades on each wheel , . set up a link BILL R

bill-robinson, Jul 12, 5:10am
what to? I watch on sky. life away from the computer, try it

tigertim20, Jul 12, 8:23am
Ill pick whatever Im actively participating in over something im watching every time.

demolition derby, motorcycle racing - doesnt matter, way more fun to do than watch

mrfxit, Jul 12, 9:10am
Yep bit like cricket

framtech, Jan 10, 5:04am
When the Nissan godzilla pissed all over the holden V8's best TV ever

Ashly forest hillclimb was good watching though the 80's