Windscreen cleaning inside smokers car

toyboy3, Jul 14, 9:04am
I'm having trouble cleaning the inside of the windscreen, Mr Muscle still leaves streaks. Any hints or recommendations of a good cleaning agents ?

thejazzpianoma, Jul 14, 9:06am
Meths and fresh rags until it comes clean.

dbest, Jul 14, 9:47am

socram, Jul 14, 10:27am
. and smokers wonder why car rental companies don't allow smoking in cars and why people like Jeremy Clarkson can't see why they shouldn't be allowed to smoke wherever they want?

If no meths available, try kerosene. It doesn't evaporate as quickly as meths. Then any proprietary glass cleaner should be OK.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 25, 6:05am
Sorry to sidetrack your thread, thinking about socrams post. I remember many years ago I had a customer who literally chain smoked (and smoked while on oxygen!

You could smell his house from down the street a bit even though the windows were closed. When I opened his computer case it was like it had been sprayed with spray adhesive inside then had a vacuum cleaner bag emptied over it before being shaken off.

I worked in a bar back when smoking was allowed but it never prepared me for that house.