Nissan dualis keyless remote

chazboner, Jan 15, 4:10pm
Hello just purchased a jap import very happy but only came with one remote
Any one help with finding another remote Thanks

tgray, Jan 15, 4:17pm
Go to Armstrong Locksmiths.

joanie04, Jan 15, 5:15pm
Are you sure there is not a key inside the remote. I have a wingroad. It has a remote, a key in the remote (if the remote fails), and a out fashioned normal key.

supernova2, Jan 15, 5:30pm
In most cases that physical key will still only work if the remote is in the car (or very close to it). Won't help at all if you want to have two keys for two different drivers.

kazbanz, Jan 16, 5:08am
That's a big ol NO with the "football" type remotes used by Nissan.
The actual key has its own chip and starts/runs the car independent of the "football"
OP--if you look on here you will see people selling the remote keys for about $125-150 then you get it programmed to your car for about $100

joanie04, Jan 16, 12:59pm
Not an issue here as I am the only one driving the car. Before Christmas I had cleaned and when they dropped it back it wouldn't open with the football remote. I had to actually use the "normal" key to unlock it. When I did it was continually beeping at me. They hadn't turned it off fully.

supernova2, Jan 16, 3:58pm
Ah - didn't know that. Memory bank updated accordingly.

billyfieldman, Nov 18, 12:56am
You could try going to the dealer and show them this 2017 article. The Dispute Tribunal rule that $200 is the reasonable upper price.
Damian explained why he took Toyota to the Tribunal.