i'm wanting to change a ute ive purchased to a farm rego.it will be used for going to runoff and back(3 km) ,cant find much info on nzta website though. question is will i need to keep wof and rucs up to date?
Aug 14, 2:16am
no wofs but must be kept up to wof standard rego will keep ticking over as normal but will just be cheaper
Aug 14, 3:23am
I had a ute on farm rego for many years until the laws changed. The only time your ute will be allowed to access the roads is when going from one paddock to another and it has to be in very close proximity such as across the road only. If you're caught on the road you'd be looking at 3X the fines rate for no WOF/Rego. The hassle will be when you want to sell it as a road going vehicle, You have to convince the NZTA why you want to change they can be quite difficult to deal with as I found out.
Aug 14, 4:12am
Exempt class A and B has been thrashed to death for years!
Aug 14, 5:10am
my understanding is you can do a 21 km round trip and be legal, not worried about resale as it will be past its use by date when i'm finished with it , do I need a wof and rucs ?
Aug 14, 5:32am
The reference to 21km round trips is for tractors only.
Aug 14, 7:41am
Don't need a wof. I kept a wof on mine for peace of mind. Yes you need to ruc up to date. You can apply for an exemption for ruc but you have to pay when you apply and you may not get it. It is now ilegal to disconnect odo even when off road
Aug 14, 7:46am
Will need a currant Wof for it to be changed to B class and as you say kept up to that standard . You will be asked if you know and understand the rules . If you happen to have some1 in the q yell out to you ( are going to keep warm on the farm ) it might speed things up a bit .
Aug 14, 10:46am
my understanding is you can do a 21 km round trip and be legal, not worried about resale as it will be past its use by date when i'm finished with it , do I need a wof and rucs ? Quote paul861 (264 264 positive feedback) 10:10 am, Tue 14 Aug #5
Nope! I was told only OK to cross the road (very short distance). Any further and you're liable for the Max fines. You can always give them a call.
vtnz yesterday and changed rego class, don't need a wof but must be kept to wof standard, 21 km max round trip(i'm 9 km from town ) and rucs must be kept up to date. refund on its way as its cheaper
Aug 16, 2:22am
foget farm rego its a waste of time to bother at all. you might as well pay nothing and just put it on hold instead and use it on farm. There used to be a 21km round trip radius you where allowed when i had my hilux on farm rego and i went 60km with my car trailer to get hay for my 2 cows and to bunnings to get fence posts etc. Then the made it max round trip . its 26km one way to town here. then the thugs sent me a letter that i was to pay them 121$ so they can make a desition with the 121$ fee if or not i can keep my of no longer usable farm rego or not. So i just binned the demands and went to the post shop to put it on hold for ever . f. k the pr. ks . and then i sold it years later as a 1$ reserve with farm rego. no longer my problem now got 940$ or so . So farm rego yea dont bother.
Aug 16, 2:24am
that was if it dont exeeds 40 or 45 kph thats how that was since a long long time.
Aug 16, 2:26am
you dont pay no ruc on farm rego. and they wont refund you nothing. i paid 1000km overdue on my farm rego. so i disconected the odometer quick smart fkkn scumbags
Aug 16, 2:59am
What terminology denotes a 'TRACTOR ' ?
Aug 16, 5:16am
I use ute on the road (3k to run off,5k to pie shop,9k to town) , some mornings the pea soup here is blinding ,maybe 10 meters visability, if someone hits me i'm up the creek big time, so I see being legal a no brainer.the farm rego is cheaper than full rego so why not save a dollar and remain legal also it is 21k round trip i.e 10.5k each way ,not radius and there was no mention of a max speed
Aug 16, 12:14pm
Are you saying that you do not require a current Wof to be able to change classes . What's the relevance with town ? If you leave home and head to town for a pie or whatever instead of to your other paddocks etc for farm use , the Police can ping ya for it . If you drive down town to get work done to keep it up to Wof standard you would probably be fine if you can prove it .
Oct 24, 12:07pm
Did you read the fact sheet. A motor vehicle (not a trailer): - owned by a farmer, and - used on a road only for agricultural operations, and - only used on the road to go from one part of the farm to another part of the same farm, or from one farm to another farm owned or managed by the same person.
No mention of 21k round trip. That is only for tractors. Unless you have another farm in town then you are operating out side the law.
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