ABS. EBS .Stability control,you name it,they pretty much have it all
Sep 30, 4:15pm
Well I wont go into great detail but did witness a large modern truck and trailer unit having to slow down bloody quick and take evasive action. Thing is I expected to see a bloody great lock up as I could see what was going to happen 200m off before it happened. So I just wondered, maybe they do. All those wheels and all I had to think.
Sep 30, 4:31pm
"All those wheels and all I had to think."
And in the end, you did not have to think
Sep 30, 4:35pm
Well he could have had jolly good pedal control and remain calm in the face of and emergency. I did think, surly they must these days, but as I said, up to 46 tires to bring to a safe halt on some trucks.
A 1994 Volvo FL10 that I used to drive had an ABS braking system, as I found out upon using hard braking to avoid a tractor that pulled out in front of me at an intersection. The tractor driver told me that he thought he was going to die, but the ABS brakes on the FL10 saved him. Until that event I didn't even know that it had ABS brakes. Even although I was only doing 40kph it still took a surprising distance to bring the 44 tones to a halt.
Sep 30, 5:19pm
Wow 1994, I didnt realise volvo had it that early, NZ brought it into legislation in 2008. good move. Some people dont seem to realise how far it takes a 44 ton truck to stop from 90kmhr, 200m emergency stop would be well done.
Sep 30, 9:34pm
Ebs was brought in in 2008 as mandatory on trailers. Lots had abs previously. Ebs lets the trailer(s) and truck all communicate via can bus also.incorporates anti roll anti slip stability control on truck and trailer also controls the steering axle on trailers. Anti roll has load sensors on trailer and controls the airbags accordingly.
Oct 1, 2:17am
Abs braking and disc brakes on the later models now
Oct 1, 4:08am
Trucks do. Many trailers on the road now still don't. It's very easy to lock up an unladen trailer under even light to moderate braking. Rather disconcerting when you touch your brakes and the trailer tries to overtake you.
Oct 1, 4:33am
No - he didn't think he was seeing right, coz the statement should have been: "All those wheels and all I had to drink."
Blame intrade's contamination.
Oct 1, 6:08am
and when they are only 4m behind the car in front you know who is going to die.
Oct 1, 6:11am
there was one locally where a car cutting the corner made the oncoming truck to jump on the brakes. the trailer, with incorrectly set brakes, swung round and splattered the car.
Oct 1, 7:08am
Yes, tailgating is poor behavior, a problem I find on the Auckland motorways when traffic is flowing, is when I leave a suitable safe gap, it is instantly filled, so I slow to leave a gap again, its filled, slow-filled, slow-filled, I try my best but when traffic is heavy and still flowing, people just see the gap and fill it.
I doubt the trailers brakes were incorrectly set, the preformance of them is heavily monitored by the authorities using brake rollers at the weighbridges. Its more likely it was an older trailer which cant distinguish between loaded and empty and adjust brake pressure to suit. They need to have the brakes wound up pretty tight to meet COF requirments, so when they are only lightly loaded or empty they lock up VERY easy.
Oct 1, 7:22am
Two weeks ago in Auckland. ABS weren't of much use to this fool.
You should put up the news paper link, because you know very well that "fool" was swerving to avoid a car that cut him off. But hey. just "blame the truckie"
Oct 1, 7:31am
Driving much too fast and too close it seems to me. The short lock-up marks tell most of the story.
Oct 1, 7:34am
ABS means, Anti lock braking system. So that being the case, you shouldn't see any lock up.
New technology is amazing. Not a truck trailer but. my son hired a tandem axle trailer the other day to tow behind his hilux to pick up another hilux. the trailer came with a unit on the trailer which was connected to the wiring, and another box that went in the cab. The two units communicated wifi and you could proportion the trailer braking. Bloody brilliant I thought. He reckoned it made a real difference between loaded and unloaded.
Oct 1, 7:41am
i don't know what the truck had. i was told the driver forgot to set the brakes to unloaded setting but i don't know exact details. still its a good example of why you don't cut corners.
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