Anyone who wishes to obtain the names and addresses of registered persons who are individuals may apply to the Transport Agency. The Transport Agency will consider such requests using the criteria contained in the Official Information Act. This requires the Transport Agency to weigh up the public interest in releasing the information sought against the privacy rights of the individual concerned.
Apply for registered person name and address (MR31)
Use this transaction to request the name and address of a person currently or previously registered in respect of a vehicle. More information about requesting personal information. You will need: · the vehicle’s plate number and make and model · identification (NZ driver licence, NZTA customer number or other form of identification, which shows name and date of birth details.) · a Mastercard/Visa credit or debit card or your internet banking details (POLi).
Note: The fee of $15.00 is non-refundable even if your application is not approved.
Oct 12, 6:31am
the addy you might receive will be the addy of the person when they registered that vehicle. probably not that useful ?
Oct 12, 6:32am
Well that's your other option then isn't it . Do you want to find the itinerant using their plate # or what. If you do you have to risk parting with the princely sum of 15 skins!
Refer Nicelady's post as well lol
Oct 12, 6:57am
Text the plate and see if there is money owing on the car as that is cheapest. Then follow up with the finance trail
Oct 12, 7:46am
Do an urgent hearing at tenancy tribunal When they don't show up and the case goes against them then the courts will enforce it . Won't get your $$ anytime soon but at least the farkers won't be able to travel overseas and eventually the law will catch up with them
Oct 12, 11:53am
As above. Had someone reverse into me in Auckland at traffic lights in a large 4WD, then shot away, leaving me with $2,500 worth of damage.
Seems they hadn't updated their address so the police couldn't really do anything. When I posted the number plate on here a year or three later, the new owners of that vehicle were very quick to give me the previous owner's name! Too late to do anything about it by then.
Publish the number plate. Worth a try, as someone might well know where they are now.
Oct 12, 12:14pm
Facebook worth a try, worked for friend with same problem as you.,
Oct 12, 12:31pm
Yeah, you just need to know a cardealer, carpark operator, debt collector, someone in a finance company. Anyone with access to the MVR, and there are seriously tens of thousands of people. Chances are you know one.
Oct 12, 12:52pm
Nope, even us car dealers do not have access to private owner information held on the MVR- the process requires that we submit the owner's name, which the system will then confirm (if correct). Access is tightly controlled these days- and about to get even tighter- due to concerns around the issues of privacy as above. And there are stiff penalties for unauthorised access and use, too.
Although I'm sympathetic to your plight, I'm alsmost certain the MVR will decline your request on the grounds given as it's a civil matter.
Oct 12, 1:34pm
You had a tenant and you didn't know their name?
Oct 12, 1:41pm
lol is that even possible? Perhaps you are talking about a ghost tenant?
Oct 12, 1:42pm
now thats an idea.
Oct 12, 1:43pm
Already won tenancy tribunal judgement against them. Just got to find where they have moved too now.
Oct 12, 1:43pm
If you have their name then there are much easier ways of tracking them down than a number plate
Oct 12, 1:44pm
trying not to alert them Im looking for them at this stage, if all else fails I'll post all the details ia have on them.
Oct 12, 1:45pm
already found them on facebook but trying to nut out where they live. I doubt if I ask they'll tell me. Think I'll have to use some sort of social engineering.
Oct 12, 1:47pm
yep got their name. any suggestions. Had some advice, electoral roll for starters. .
Oct 12, 1:52pm
Those Headhunters tracked down who called the cops on them for taking that Asian for a one way trip in the boot!
Oct 12, 1:53pm
Any idea where they might work - as in the name of the business? Yes I know it's a long shot that they will have a job but. If you do get hold of a Manager and tell him the life story of the employee - you might just get lucky and find a manager who doesn't want a crook working for them and let you have an appropriate meeting at the gate hehehe.
Oct 12, 1:55pm
Google is your friend . 20 seconds and I found this info which has a additional link explaining how to get MBIE help to obtain there address
Joe Bloggs Car yards might not, but Dealerships have access. I have access through MotorWeb which is part of Trademe. I'm in a dealership parts department. I rarely use it and when I do it is normally to identify the person asking for some security code or key code. The vehicle insurance industry is another that has access.
Oct 12, 2:24pm
And the award for the most helpful post goes to .
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