EV rally car

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harm_less, May 19, 2:11pm
Hayden Paddon taking his EV rally car for a squirt. AP4 combustion car was 53.8sec, while the EV Kona clocked a 53.0sec. Wait until they get this beast fully developed! https://youtu.be/xpgs_R9QB3E

bill-robinson, May 19, 2:43pm
i do not think i will live long enough.

apollo11, May 19, 2:54pm
Dear god, it sounds like someone abusing an electric drill.

harm_less, May 20, 5:52am
Personally, if it goes like a cut cat I'm not real worried about what noise it makes. More a point is that so many old school motorsport fans equate lots of noise with high performance but EVs are putting that philosophy to rest.

franc123, May 20, 6:16am
Who cares, if you are going to do that why not go the whole hog and do something completely different like vacuum cleaner or toaster hurling as a sport. EV's are not proper cars, end of.

apollo11, May 20, 6:25am
Yeah that might be you, but to the majority of drivers out there, engine noise is important.
And most fossil road cars are quieter than that squealing pig fight in the link anyway.

harm_less, May 20, 7:11am
Most of the noise in the EV's cabin is from gears meshing and gravel. The big difference is that these same noises are present in a fossil fueler but are drowned out by the 'suck squeeze bang blow' of an ICE vehicle.

apollo11, May 20, 7:14am
Someone turn the stereo up. And I agree about the gear noise, you get a fair bit of it on a standard rally car too.

bumfacingdown, May 20, 7:27am

bill-robinson, May 20, 7:41am
if manz or whoever runs motorsport in nz got smart they could stop these toys easily, just make refueling more than once a day illegal. in fact the FIA should do it.

bumfacingdown, May 20, 7:48am
These 'toys' getting to fast for you bill

bill-robinson, May 20, 8:22am
i do not have toys, i have the real thing

bumfacingdown, May 20, 8:31am
A slower real thing at that

bill-robinson, May 20, 8:52am
1975 chevron B 30 cosworth V6. ex david purley car. won the brititsh F5000 championship in 1976. i was running a car in the same series.

absolute_detail, May 20, 9:02am
All these modern classes are so lame, too many driver aids and rules, ev are even more lame. Bring back group b

tygertung, May 20, 9:11am
And bring back all the fatal crashes?

apollo11, May 20, 10:17am
Spoken like a truly ancient fud, there bill. Gotta stop the young whippersnappers from enjoying themselves.

bill-robinson, May 20, 1:51pm
not my problem, they will never know the feeling of satisfaction of winning a proper race, only one restricted to suit the power source. at least i have done things, not sat on my butt and watched like most of the critics on here. then slagged off others.

apollo11, May 20, 2:29pm
You don't know anything about the other commenters on here to be able to say that, bill. Try to be less of a curmudgeon, wiggle those falsies into a smile.

skull, May 20, 3:43pm
Some of us are looking out the front window and can see which way the road is turning. Others are sitting in a comfortable seat thinking of the good old days while looking out the back window seeing where they have been.

tygertung, May 20, 3:53pm
Surely all races are restricted by class?

I used to race motorbikes and they were all restricted to suit the power source. For example F4 was restricted to a 150cc four stroke, 100cc turbo or supercharged 100cc watercooled two stroke, or 125cc air cooled two stroke with a maximum of a 24mm carburetor. Engines had to be based on non competition engines ie. road bike engines, no racing specific bike engines like motorcross or road racing engines.

F5 was restricted to 50cc two stroke etc.

I suppose there are theoretically completely open classes where there are no restrictions whatsoever, but not sure what they are.

Please tell me more about "a proper race, only one restricted to suit the power source"

framtech, May 20, 6:53pm
Ford are the ones that stuffed Group B cars with a crappy factory car design.
Group B Rally was so popular the real problem was crowd control.
Most of the cars everyone drives today were invented in those days of innovation, Our rallycar had a 4 link, reverve watts linkage before the factory cars turned up with them, sadly that innovation has gone forever because of the death of Group B and the shitty LTNZ rules, building and designing cars was once the past time of every young petrol head in the country, those young now are just masters of play station and cellphone crap.
All the good old boys who lived and breathed motorsport innovation are now nearly or all dead.
Good on paydon but remember in days of old that same innovation was done without a 1.5 million dollar budget as our circutt boys cleaned up the world in GP and can am racing, even at club level, guys like leonard and fahey were on top of the game in tin tops all built in small garages.

bumfacingdown, May 20, 7:04pm
Wonder how that would go against an EV rally car, interesting viewing thru a special stage I reckon

bill-robinson, May 21, 1:35am
buy it and find out for yourself.

bill-robinson, May 21, 2:08am
bumfacingdown wrote:
Wonder how that would go against an EV rally car, interesting viewing thru a special stage I reckon[/quote
the post above is a kneejerk relpy to an ignorant comment.
much the same as you in a e rally car completing a 100 mile F5000 race