what idiot thought this would be on any use to anyone? Any change of owner or policy or evnnon payment would require a new label. What a beauracrates wet dream!
Aug 10, 6:58am
Chris Bishop apparently.
Aug 10, 7:02am
Bet he didn't think it up but some backroom nobody
Aug 10, 7:13am
Still, he was silly enough to put it forward. He must think it's a good idea.
Aug 10, 7:17am
Perhaps just the first small step in making insurance mandatory. Public shaming for those who don't have insurance. (I personally do, but don't like the idea of any insurance product being mandatory).
Aug 10, 7:37am
Thought that in the late 60's we had an injury insurance built into our registration . Many overseas countries have insurance compolsery to have on your motor vehicles and big fines if you are pulled over and its not current .
Aug 10, 7:55am
Agree. Let's hope not. That would push up everyone's insurance costs.
Aug 10, 8:17am
It might push a few people into getting insurance?
I would imagine most people who don't care about the huge liability in driving around uninsured, probably don't care about a little sticker either.
Aug 10, 8:23am
Just paid my full cover on my "07 passat $458 or something with State [hell that year went fast] it's peace of mind & third party should be compulsory in my opinion. Ok i'll keep my head down lol. ps, jeez watching British tv or the Irish border thing, man if you don't do it right you're in big doggy doo doo.
Aug 10, 8:27am
Funnily enough, I see it as a good thing. Especially if we go compulsory insurance. Insurance might actually come down a bit as insurers won't have to fork out for so many crashes with uninsured drivers (try getting money from an insured deadbeat driver when they hit your new fully insured car. Sure, your insurance pays out but, where does the insurance company cover their losses? Out of increasing policy fees!)
Aug 10, 8:32am
Insure car to get it registered. Next day, cancel policy. Most rules are observed by decent people only.
Aug 10, 8:33am
I think its a total joke, other than telling you the bad news that the car that hit you is uninsured and now you need to fight them in court for the money!
Aug 10, 8:36am
Well, if it is on the rego, i hope the lowlifes select insured only to steal
Aug 10, 8:37am
It will result in higher costs because insurance will have to cover every (currently) self-insured driver instead of only some of them.
Plus insurance companies will have a huge amount of compulsory new customers to milk more profits from.
See for yourself - do an online quote for your own car here and then for an equivalent car in, say, Canada or the UK (or anywhere that has compulsory insurance). Let me know if you find one which is cheaper.
Aug 10, 8:43am
Nah insurance companies are there to make money and boy do they ever. Why would they put fees down ? I can't imagine why when the Govt would be handing them on a platter a boatload more customers who MUST insure. They'd be more inclined to put fees UP.
Aug 10, 8:51am
My feeling is that those who are disproportionally represented in accidents as well as non wof/ rego'd vehicles will continue on as per usual and it will just end up bloating the insurance companies and their premiums as it has done in the UK.
Aug 10, 9:01am
One small problem with that logic. Lets say you vehicle is insured for $30k and it gets hit by idiot in a $1500 clunker. Which ever insurance coy is still going to be out of pocket for $30K. I think if you make insurance compulsory then simply because more incidents will be claims then the total payout for the coys will rise considerably which will obviously result in vast premium increase for all. Remember if both are insured there will be two claims whereas now if only 1 insured no payout to the uninsured so obviously less money leaves the coffers.
Aug 10, 9:03am
Actually not so. Last week AA paid a rebate to their car policy holders as they had less claims than expected during lockdown. I got about $48
Aug 10, 9:07am
We are with AMI and didn't get a red bloody cent. I would chalk your windfall up to a PR exercise rather than an act of benevolence.
Aug 10, 9:21am
We are with State and they sure didn't give any money out. The AA rebate falls into the PR category without a doubt !
Aug 10, 9:24am
We are with Tower and just had $36 direct credit to our account, good PR!
Aug 10, 9:59am
That's what Insurance company's are for. They pay to fix your car, or replace it, and then go after the person who hit you in Court. Yeah sure you might get called as a witness, but that's not unexpected. Insurance company will also arrange replacement car while you're is off the road, & transport accommodation depending on your company & policy. Also they will go after the other car owner for $$ even if it's your fault & they feel like they can.
Aug 10, 10:00am
In the UK if you’re driving an uninsured vehicle and get stopped by the cops your car is towed away and impounded until insurance is updated - and if not done within 14 days the car is crushed (so I’ve heard) Boy the idiots here would scream blue murder if that happened to their ‘pride and joy’ (dunga?)
Aug 10, 11:03am
A couple of key points that keep getting overlooked in these discussions:
- The compulsory third party insurance in most countries is about providing third party personal injury cover, which ACC does here. Prior to ACC third party personal insurance was compulsory for motor vehicles
- NZ's rate of vehicle insurance is higher on average than those countries with compulsory insurance. Have you noticed how often the cops in Aus, UK and US get cars towed with no insurance? Making it a legal requirement does not make it happen.
Aug 10, 11:17am
His leaderess announced it ,he just nodded in agreement because it came from "She who must be obeyed" and agreed with.
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