I’m with Tower an have had 2 rebates back awaiting the 3rd one.
Aug 10, 11:55am
In a country like UK that has compulsory insurance, do they have insurance companies of last resort ? or if no insurance company wants to insure you you just can not own a vehicle. in NZ were many see owning and driving a car as a "born right" how would "we" cope with no company wanting to insure you ?
Aug 10, 12:04pm
There is some merit in this. It would work if the Insurance Policy could be transferred over between Insurance Companies ( at the time of purchase/Change of ownership) much in the way one can change Electric Suppliers. In realty for Me the best thing for vehicle Insurance would be to Insure the Driver. We can only drive 1 vehicle at a time and i’m sure a Formula can be devised to encompass all possibilities. Even if means a Premium cost and it could incorporate a Life Insurance cover as well for the driver.
Aug 10, 12:15pm
FFS. We should be ditching physical rego label's, managing the system digital instead. Save the cost, postage time & disposal of millions of bits of plastic.
Adding insurance to the label will require it be re-issued every time the insurer or insurance status changes.
It will require a secure database linking between the insurance companies and NZTA. This is millions of dollars of bureaucracy from a political party standing on the platform of reducing it.
Aug 10, 12:23pm
If this is the sort of garbage Judith can come up with for election policy then its a guaranteed lose. we should get with the times as snz said, and go digital and have no stickers on the window. WA did this years ago.
Aug 10, 12:52pm
Last time there was talk of compulsory insurance, I think it was stated that an Insurance Company would not be allowed to refuse to insure anyone, and could not over-inflate the premiums to an absurd amount in order to make it unaffordable to any high-risk drivers. So Insurance Companies would increase everyones premiums in order to cover the extra risk and cost of the undesirables they're forced to insure.
Aug 10, 12:59pm
Hard to see the logic in that argument.
We, (i.e. those of us with insurance) are already being charged to cover damage from uninsured vehicles on the road?
Why not a simple policy of no insurance no registration, if you're considered to be uninsurable you shouldn't be on the road.
Aug 10, 1:22pm
Administering it would be impossible. Buy insurance, get registration, cancel it. Or just state no insurance when paying rego to get it to say none, This is a party that complain there’s too much admin. Desperate.
Aug 10, 1:26pm
plenty of everyday people dont have insurance- so the car gets towed - now they have no way to get to work or groceries or kids to school- but hey you will still have a warm glow inside because they got punished.
Aug 10, 1:30pm
Do you think they care? Guy i worked with use to get his car impounded once in a blue moon for no license- he would buy another dunga the next day so he could get to work. his odds of getting caught were low enough to keep doing it. Another co worker did jail time for drunk driving after the 12 th drink driving offence was back in jail for same reason within 2 years and those were the times he was caught.
Aug 10, 2:27pm
Agree with #33 . Won't stop people driving with no insurance as it hasnt in any other country that I am aware of .
Aug 10, 2:30pm
Not so sure about that to be honest. Sure, a few people on a motoring message Board may not be in favour, but have a look at some of the feedback on other social media and it has overwhelming approval. Time will tell I guess.
Aug 10, 2:33pm
I had a young Pom working for me once. He couldn't believe how young people could drive powerful cars in NZ without full insurance. In England they take owning and driving a car far more seriously than we do in NZ. It should make the polices job easier, because in England, get caught without insurance, you are in deep shit, as described to me.
Aug 10, 2:43pm
lol that was hilarious wasn’t it? Why not just do the decent thing for once and make insurance mandatory for all registered vehicles? I don’t get it, seems logical.
Aug 10, 2:49pm
Jeeze. get the feeling some sad sacks here are still going through withdrawal symptoms due to not having an O&P MB to bleat on.
Lets leave the politics and get back to debating the issue?
Aug 10, 3:00pm
I'm for insurance. I don't care what political party brings it in.
Aug 10, 4:30pm
If you say so. Next thing they’ll also want free petrol to get to work or groceries or kids to school. After all petrol is another expense, why should they have pay for AND insurance.
Hells bells, all I said was what was the case in the UK.
Aug 10, 4:54pm
Those who will insure already do. Those who don't will just ignore. All it will do is give insurance companies a captive market. The responsible people will just end up paying more for car insurance.
Aug 11, 12:22am
The way I was told the story from the pom was, if you get caught on the road without insurance in England, you were in deep shit. It is a real effort keeping a truck legal to make a living in NZ. Yet young people are able to go on the road with she'll be right, someone else can pay. The system allows them to start off with the wrong attitude.
Aug 11, 2:07am
waste of time until there is a consequence for operating illegal vehicles. no point slapping a fine on someone who isn't going to pay, take the vehicle off the road immeadiatly. bit like breaching our demerit system, go over 100 , wait for 6 months or so for the powers that be to come get your licence, ludicris
Aug 11, 2:56am
If you actually read the article you will see they are not advocating compulsory insurance, only that the insurance status is displayed on the vehicle. That way if you are involved in an accident you can see if the vehicle is insured. Quite a different thing to compulsory insurance.
Aug 11, 3:02am
The UK has compulsory insurance to give the cover we get from ACC. They still get a similar number driving without insurance as NZ has uninsured cars. At one stage the NZ insurance companies were concerned that if insurance was compulsory people would swap full insurance for 3rd party so overall they'd lose.
Aug 11, 3:15am
We know. You need to read the thread.
Aug 11, 3:18am
I have done. People are talking about compulsory insurance, which isn’t what is being proposed by the National Party in the Stuff article and posted by the OP. But, whatever.
Aug 11, 7:25am
Still fail to see any point in the message on the reg label. As I'm being loaded into the rescue chopper am I supposed to hop up and check the rego label on the other car?
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