Oil in car

jay248, Dec 2, 12:27pm
Is there a way to find out if the wrong oil has been put in a car?
I am wondering if that has happened to my car.

toyboy3, Dec 2, 12:31pm
What is the problem with the car?

jay248, Dec 2, 12:44pm
It is over heating and have to top the water up all the time. It was fine until I had a oil change and service.

cattleshed, Dec 2, 12:57pm
Make, model, year, kms, what was ACTUALLY done in the service and how long ago (time and kms ago). Also what oil does the sticker say was installed or if not stated ask for the record to show you what was used?

kazbanz, Dec 2, 1:06pm
Year/make/model miles is the info we need.
But based on post 2 IMO --very very unlikely--the symptoms don't match wrong oil used.

toyboy3, Dec 2, 1:07pm
So the radiator is emptying! Therefore find where the coolant is leaking or it’s going to cost you a new engine

jay248, Dec 2, 1:20pm
It is a Holden Barina Rs 1.4P/6At/Ha/4Dr/5
2015 and 91k

jay248, Dec 2, 1:21pm
I have not been driving it since I realised it has a problem.

saxman99, Dec 2, 1:22pm
I suppose it’s possible that during the service a coolant pipe or fitting was accidentally disturbed or damaged and now it’s leaking.

gunna-1, Dec 2, 1:25pm
Is it possible there is an air lock in the water system, did they touch the cooling system?, it happened to me once and the car spat water out the overflow and kept on heating up, and the top radiator hose had air in it, the car had a separate fill bottle from the radiator, i bled the water through and no more problems

intrade, Dec 2, 1:28pm
oh crap holden dont drive it the cooling system has to be pressure tested and the leak fixed. because they run at 115° and that only works if the cooling system is fully sealed as water boils at 100°C at sea level. Its why they all blow up and all modern stuff is the same only old corollas turn the cooling fan on at 95° full bore .

msigg, Dec 2, 3:16pm
The cooling system is pressurised so the boiling point is also raised, depends on pressure, basic stuff.sounds like you had air in the system, get the garage to check it over again.

franc123, Dec 2, 3:42pm
Oh bugger. Check your invoice to see exactly what was done, if the coolant was changed as part of the service take it back to who did the work. If they didnt it would be best to get it to a Holden agency and get the cooling system pressure tested. They are prone to water leaks from the water pumps and heater hoses, the thermostats are electrically controlled and are also prone to failure. I hope for your sake it hasnt done any other damage.

intrade, Dec 3, 2:04am
*14 i have that its ok but it did exactly what i predicted .
it collapses the coolant hoses lol . but yea it does help , i could have used it on the toyota estima-enema i fixed 15 years ago it was still going 3 years ago after i fixed it and spent 5 to 6 h bleeding that cooling system with engine under floor heater core higher then filler bowl.
1 tiny leak kills them all . Not what kills the opels opels get killed cause the cooling fan cant turn on because with out pressure you have steam before the cooling fan turns on fully. its also why them opel have a bad name They are 15 years ahead on emissions . ecoboost ford is worse and loads others are as bad as that opel "made for emissions taget, and not to last" As where the steaming-enima was only a poor design from toyota like so many.

kazbanz, Dec 3, 3:43am
What Franc posted.
I'd call the mechanic and tell them what is happening.

dlin9, Oct 15, 2:44am
Likely just a coincidence. My bet is the turbo coolant pipes. I've had a few of those lately on the 1.4s