New rules for car imports

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gunna-1, Jan 28, 7:21am
If you want to reduce emissions build a nuclear power plant, likely a disastrous idea but nothing elce in reality will cut it, this is petty squabbling over nothing, and if people get sick because of more coal haveing to be burnt i wont be happy, its all about new innovation and money in my opinion and i think it sucks, go drive you ev,s but dont step on my toes with any more regulation of petrol powered veichles, i,me happy to walk but you arnt happy with "poor' less is the answer not shiny new toys and feel good stuff.

gunna-1, Jan 28, 7:23am
So what coal fired plant will generate that for them instead.

3tomany, Jan 28, 7:25am
The mind boggles at such a prospect. One thing for sure is the one we have is not going to get shut any time soon.

sandypheet, Jan 28, 7:33am
Should have been introduced when it started as part of the compliance procedure.

harm_less, Jan 28, 7:36am
NZ currently has more wind generating capacity than for coal, and utility scale solar has hardly scratched the surface as yet.
Coal is an extinct energy source but NZ unfortunately is a bit late to that party.

s_nz, Jan 28, 8:09am
Two of the 4 coal units at huntly are already shut down / mothballed.

franc123, Jan 28, 8:19am
Already been looked at and already in the too hard basket. And for much of the same reasons why they wont improve drivers licence criteria and testing. political suicide. Make something else more difficult and expensive.

alowishes, Jan 28, 9:25am
‘High demand’? - like when all EVs are charging up at the same time?

(When all the roast dinners are cooking at the same time!)

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:29am
They prepped one last year when the lakes got low and my guess is they will use it again soon.

ascotbks, Jan 28, 9:30am
nope still going
planned for retirement in 2018, but that has since been extended to 2022
The station has four operational generating units – two 250 MW coal-and-gas-fired steam turbine units, a 50 MW gas peaking plant, and a 403 MW combined cycle gas turbine plan

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:32am

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:36am
They would have needed extra generation last year had the aluminum smelter not shut down one pot line and the refinery had not reduced to half capacity.

tony9, Jan 28, 9:37am
Not correct. The coal units at Huntly can run with a load factor of about 80%, balance is maintenance outage time.

The wind turbines run with a load factor of 20-25% so you would need 3 or 4 times the wind unit capacity to approach the generation capability of coal.

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:40am
Back to cars. It had always annoyed me that the government fleet was in the past always picked on price and NZs largest fleet buyer was buying the dirtiest engines for the majority of the fleet based on cheapest tender wins. Good to see some more sensible vehicle choices being made by our biggest fleet purchaser and others encouraged to do the same.

tamarillo, Jan 28, 9:42am
If they had started with really heavy penalties you would all complain. Instead they encourage and fine lightly and you laugh. Whether we like it or not transport is going to have to do it’s bit and reduce co2.

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:42am
Very true. Coal can also run 24 hours while wind mostly gives nothing at night.

skiff1, Jan 28, 9:43am
so, if the grid is using my battery, thereby using up its cycles, how will I be compensated? The grid can buy its own damn batteries

3tomany, Jan 28, 9:45am
100% agree. I am a big petrol head and love V8s but i can see how the future is going and i find it mostly bearable. It will be an exciting day when i get my first EV to play with.

gazzat22, Jan 28, 9:55am
like for example in the UK where all vehicles have emission testing at Wof/Cof times!

harm_less, Jan 28, 10:07am
Are you confusing solar (which doesn't work at night) with wind turbines?

harm_less, Jan 28, 10:10am
By incenticising EVs to charge at night by way of cheap off peak pricing the current peak loading times during early evening isn't increased. We charge our EV from midnight for just that reason.

intrade, Jan 28, 10:11am
lol you all be having your asian trash ordered of the road if we do get tailpipe testing.

3tomany, Jan 28, 10:12am
No i am not.

harm_less, Jan 28, 10:17am
The details of V2G technology is discussed here.

Essentially the collective batteries of thousands of EVs equals terawatts of potential storage capacity. Drawing down from those batteries even only 10% of their collective storage is a significant buffer for the grid. The trick is to share that draw-down around which isn't technologically difficult and doesn't significantly disadvantage EV owners.

This virtual power station scenario also presents an opportunity for the controlling entity (in this case Tesla) to play the electricity market by charging at off peak rates and discharging (selling) at peak. The degradation of batteries (if a factor) can be compensated for in a battery lease or discount price arrangement.

gunna-1, Jan 28, 10:18am
They tried that here, i dont know if it is being enforced or not and i dont care, ticket issuing for excessive smokeing by vehicles has been in since helen clarks reign, i dont care for it, its window dressing for moaners.