Are a complete con in a country where the speed limit is 100kph for 99% of the time, and the extensive roading infrastructure is paid for by just under 3 million taxpayers
1 pot hole, 4 wheels? Hate to see the size of that hole
Aug 20, 5:29am
That’s the reason why I like 70 or 80 profile tyres
Aug 20, 5:39am
Two wheels going and two on return trip? Curious!
Aug 20, 5:47am
Sorry can't read the article, does it say all four were dented? Can you just replace two rims or do you need to buy them as a set?
Aug 20, 5:54am
I've never really understood the value in having low profile tyres for normal road use. Can anyone enlighten me?
Aug 20, 6:04am
When you have low profile tyres, looking for pot holes is in part the responsibility of the driver. We have some cars with low profile tires and pot holes are everywhere around here, it is a simple matter of driving to the conditions. This is another reason trucks and SUVs top the sales charts as NZ roads are crap.
Aug 20, 6:17am
It said two were damaged by the pothole, but all four needed to be replaced as a "set". Is that a thing? Sounds incredibly wasteful/expensive.
Aug 20, 6:18am
Only the stupid are using tyres lower than a 60 on NZ roads, even if they're factory size. Claim insurance and go put some sensible wheels and tyres on if you aren't willing to drive to conditions or operate machinery that can tolerate the conditions. Theyve got the same low IQ as those that tint taillights.
Aug 20, 6:33am
The tyre he is leaning on is worn out,inside shoulder,never gets looked at until wof time.
Aug 20, 7:29am
Probably some horrible oddbod rim that can't be matched so only way was 4. However surely his insurance would only pay for the damaged 2? Obvious sensible solution would be to get 4 genuine ford rims from the wreckers. Other point about this story is when he says he drives that road every day. Perhaps with his eyes shut?
Aug 20, 7:44am
A good reason for watching the road and plus not buying a car with no spare just an Aerosol can!
Aug 20, 8:04am
Driving at speed over them on alloy heels, what did he expect? Oh a pothole, I won't slow down or avoid it, nah.
Aug 20, 8:46am
According to google there is about 100,000k of roads in NZ. Of cause there is a possibility there will be pot holes in some of it.
Aug 20, 8:48am
He might have paid 4k for them several years ago, but they look like a $500 set on worn out tyres now. He is probably hoping to cause enough of a stir to get a set of new rims and tyres out of his misfortune.
Aug 20, 8:52am
A mate had a Nissan Micra Sport (lol) on lowered suspension, low profile rims etc. Every bump was a crash that jarred up through your spine. Mind boggling how some people think.
Aug 20, 9:06am
It's all about the looks
Aug 20, 9:11am
for those of you that can't read the link Premium NZ Herald A man is seeking answers from highway authorities after hitting a pothole near Hawke's Bay Airport and having to replace four wheel rims and tyres at a cost of over $4000. An insurer is covering the cost but Jason Tobeck, a long-time employee at the Napier Port and who lives at Bay View, believes highways managers Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency or roading contractors should accept some responsibility and cover outstanding costs, such as his insurance excess.
Aug 20, 9:54am
Agree, nice sidewalls absorb and soften and feel so much better in normal driving. I've just put tyres on my bike with a softer sidewall than current trendy Michelins as they simply feel better to me.
Aug 20, 9:56am
Its a safety thing. Lowered cars that have to slow down to almost a stop to traverse a judder bar, a pothole, entering a drive or any little imperfection in the road. All seem to be driven by youngsters who want "the look". The look is good if you are on a race track but NZ roads are far from that. But if it forces them to drive at "granny" speeds its a great mod!
Aug 20, 10:26am
From the article:
"Both left-hand tyres were punctured and rims damaged, but all four rims needed replacement as a set."
Assume rims were discontinued and as such it was not possible to replacements for two that match the other side.
Aug 20, 10:41am
BTW. those rims are repairable. Use to work for a rim repair place. Even if a piece was missing they could be fixed, but the price was the main factor.
Aug 20, 11:12am
A Napier man failed to avoid an obstacle on the road, is adamant this must be somebody else's fault.
Aug 20, 11:15am
Surely the improved handling response from those sweet low-profile tyres should have HELPED him to swerve and miss the pot hole? No? Is that not how it works?
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