Restoring NICAD batteries

wind.turbine, Feb 20, 1:11pm
any tips on restoring tool batteries via shocking?

Have a handful of nail gun batteries here that I have been meaning to try the shocking method to restore them.
They are rated at 6.4V fully charged, would 12V thrown at them be enough or should I double that?

some batteries are completely dead, some charge but discharge, and some just wont fully charge.

I know that ya gonna say, re risk of explosion etc etc but hey that's what good planning is for :)

getting sick of replacing them at $180 a pop

gubay, Feb 20, 1:41pm

gpg58, Feb 20, 6:17pm
Years ago i Had some luck with freezing drill batteries for a few days to a week, then allowing to get back to room temp before charging(some did come back to life, many did not).- actually also worked with a aeg 18v 5ah lithium one, 2 years ago which had died, and is still fine now.

gpg58, Feb 20, 6:57pm
This item says to freeze for at least 4 hours after zapping for best results.

wind.turbine, Feb 21, 2:39am
yea I have heard about the freezing thing, I guess I will try using 12V and freeze for a few hours and if that does nothing i might up it to 24V and see what happens.

I cant stuff what is already stuffed

tony9, Feb 21, 3:18am
Just dismantle them and take replace the old cells. New cells are available.

wind.turbine, Feb 21, 7:01am
so far so good, have charged and the discharged using a small bilge pump in a bucket of water which ran for over half an hour so thats looking good.

Next step is into the freezer then will re charge again and they can sit for a week and see if they hold their charge as this was the biggest problem, would charge night before then get to work site to find they are flat again.

mrfxit, Feb 21, 7:45am
Better long term just to repack the cases.
Most grunt
Longer lasting.

Most can be repacked with better grade batterys

wind.turbine, Feb 21, 8:40am
for the cost of nothing though, if this works then I have lost nothing but a bit of time on a Sunday which I had nothing better to do anyway.

gpg58, May 1, 5:08pm
Update, same battery(marked it) just died again(no power when check button pushed, blinking ? light when trying to charge).
Tried freezer 2 hours, then tried charging, but temperature light blinked, so removed it, and let it warm up to room temp, before trying again. Back to ? flashing, Rats, bit of a bummer.
So Hit freezer again for 2 hours, then chucked it back in charger, temperature flashing again.
So just let it be.
Came back 3 hours later, (tonight), to a fully charged working battery again.
Ok so not put under longer load again yet, but just saying, dead battery, any type, could be worth a try.

Ps - experience tells me, never leave recharging lithium unattended unless proven safe already.(lithium fires are not nice).

intrade, May 2, 6:32am
new cells i dont know if you can get nicad now since everything s banned by the knotheads. but if you would you would want to get them from digikey.
lithium battery must be stopped before overcharge its why there is this chip on top of the battery on phones the chip is for that and not what nutters think to brick your battery . So converting them to lithium can be dangerous unless you know exactly what you do and have a charge controller.
i got my panasonic jump starte battery from there its on the secound battery from there now

franc123, May 2, 6:35am
Sounds like a whole lot of dicking about with old technology to me. There's reasons this stuff gets superceded.

intrade, May 2, 6:46am
old stuff can be a lot better to a point. Like i only just start to retyre my 12 volt makita nicad . and replaced it with hilti. For cars its the same most reliable is the one make i own with absolute 0 nill electronics. i spent 45 minutes broken down on the side of the road on my last trip and then i was done Fixed it with a bit of hose and a screw.

bumfacingdown, May 2, 7:14am
I always thought the freezing was for way more than a couple of hours?

gpg58, May 2, 9:40am
Yes i thought so too, and have only tried 24-48 or more hours before.
Battery still seems fine now though, hence why i posted about it, seemed an interesting result to me.
Ps- using test button on battery, showed zilch when faulty(just suddenly died between uses - trigger pulls), but 2 out of 4 leds when cold before charging.
No idea what in it, is being fooled into working again, after this treatment, perhaps something in electronics, rather than the cells themselves.

intrade, Aug 13, 4:46pm
if freezing works it be cell cemestry. Just like puting AA battery in a vice can give energy again. And dumping them on the table upright to see if they are still good. As dave jones from eev blog showed once.