2008 Nissan Fuga 450GT Language Setting

testbot_420, Mar 7, 12:58pm
Did anyone figure out how to change from Japanese to english please.

tamarillo, Mar 7, 1:44pm
Maybe not possible it being a jap only market car often there’s no option built in.

s_nz, Mar 7, 2:29pm
Pay somebody to do it?


As a general rule JDM cars don't simply have an option to change language (even those that are also exported as new car's). In general they need re-flashed with a translated software. Quite a lot of R&D I think so only offered on some models.

monaro17, Mar 7, 3:45pm
Nope - there is no ability to change the language. I have one. Just use Google translate to set up all the settings then it’s done and you won’t need to go back into the menus again.

saki, Mar 8, 9:11am
https://www.facebook.com/JonvyAuto/ check this guy out he does a lot of language conversions.

gubay, Sep 4, 9:56pm