I put my rego on hold.

tiffany.marie, Apr 19, 2:00pm
for a car I'm not using, and the wof has expired. i do still have valid insurance being paid out regularly. a branch from a tree has fallen and cracked my windscreen. am i still covered for windscreen repair if i don't have a current wof or reg?

tony9, Apr 19, 2:13pm
Your insurance company would be the best source of that information.

bryalea, Apr 19, 2:14pm
I expect so. WOF and reg are not anything to do with a broken windscreen.

franc123, Apr 19, 2:20pm
Yes. A claim can only ever be rejected if it can be proven that a fault with your car that would have stopped it passing a WoF was the direct cause of the event. This obviously doesnt apply in this case and lack of current license clearly doesn't.

muppet_slayer, Apr 19, 3:11pm
There must be people out there making claims with insurance company's for project cars with no WOF's and REGO's that get damaged for whatever reasons (earth quakes, floods etc) and they are able to claim on them. I see your situation as no different.

annie17111, Apr 19, 3:12pm
Yep it should be covered.

yz490, Apr 19, 3:39pm
I have valid current full cover insurance on two cars but windscreen cover is extra with 'State'--which i have. Think it's windscreen & other glass--as in other windows. Also pretty sure lights were an extra too. Just an added small amount on the policy for each of those that you had to agree or not take. I'd better go read my policy lol. Only saying i hope your screen is covered under your policy.

yz490, Aug 19, 10:00pm
Just google this below. Guess i 'added it' so i won't have an excess but think was an extra charge for adding it but no doubt way less than the $600 excess i have. Is a $4000 car--both cars actually, approx. So read below, copy & pasted not directly from the site but just the first thing that shows related to the googled request. Reads like i'll have an excess on my lights--i think-- but not screen or other windows.

The great news is, if you've got State Comprehensive Car Insurance, you are covered for accidental loss or damage to your driving lights, windscreen, windows or sunroof. And, if you've added the Windscreen and Windows optional cover, you won't have to pay an excess when you make a claim.