BMW 325i weirdness

embob, Aug 30, 4:54pm
Hopefully there are some BMW enthusiasts here. I have a weird thing going on with a 2005 325i.
I keep finding it unlocked - at first I thought I was missing the button on the remote, or knocking it when the keys were in my pocket etc, but I've been very aware of locking it now and checking that it's stayed locked.
Last night I checked it was locked before I went to bed.
This morning I got up and found it not only unlocked but also 3 of the windows were half way open (the 4th window doesn't work).
Is there any kind of electrical error that could explain this? Some sort of safety thing triggered? I'm hoping it makes sense to someone because it's starting to feel like someone is playing sillybuggers with me.
As far as I know I have the only remote for it but is it possible a neighbour has a remote that happens to also work on my car? (but the windows?!?!)
Also note, I have a security camera - while it doesn't catch much in the dark it does catch anything obvious but didn't see anything last night - just that the windows were closed around midnight but open by 5am.

saxman99, Aug 30, 5:21pm
That is very odd. It does sound like a faulty key fob, as if a button is being activated even though you’re not actually pressing it. The windows do go up and down if you press and hold the lock/unlock on the fob.

embob, Aug 30, 5:32pm
I had no idea it did that! OK well that's a better option than feeling haunted lol. Thanks, I'll check that out :)

marte, Aug 30, 5:40pm
Input your microwave & make sure it can be plugged back n, or use a old microwave.
And leave your key fob in there overnight & see if it keeps happening.
The microwave will stop it from sending any errent signals.

franc123, Aug 30, 5:58pm
The global unlocking is being activated as per suggested in #2. Do you have other keyfobs for the car and where are they located? Eliminate accidental triggering first on either of the fobs. While the above sounds far fetched I have heard of these things being triggered by electrical frequencies from home appliances, large TV's in particular.

embob, Aug 30, 6:12pm
Wow OK - a few things to try. The battery in the remote is very strong so I was wondering where I could hide the keys to avoid accidental unlocking - the microwave seems funny but if it works, it's all good!
There is only one remote franc however there is another without buttons with a plasticy key in it - I've never seen anything like it before. New to BMWs - but anyway, no magic buttons so no accidental things with that one :D
Actually I do still have a lot of my friends stuff to go through (I inherited the car when one of my best mates died :( ) It's possible there's another fob in a box being pressed by other stuff. I'll keep that in mind and get on with sorting through things. I don't recall him having a spare though, I think it's unlikely.
Thanks so much for your help everyone! Will shove the keys in an old microwave overnight and hope I don't forget where they are in the morning ;)

gazzat22, Aug 31, 5:46am
If you can change the settings on your internet modem.I used to lose my internet connection when the Microwave was in use.

gazzat22, Aug 31, 6:57am
Garage Door openers/TV remotes all use radio waves.

bigfatmat1, Aug 31, 7:30am
This sounds like water in the comfort module passengers footwell, blocked ac drains or leaky windscreen

cummingsra1, Aug 31, 8:16am
I had that issue with my E39, auto sparky diagnosed it as a faulty module in the door (bigfatmat1 suggested the same thing in the post above), module was replaced and issue disappeared.

intrade, Sep 1, 3:25am
elliminate the key then check what poster #9 and 10 said
My vw randomly self locks i got a plastic key in the wallet just in case it locks with key inside. faulty door wiring crack solder joints in door modules is that cause. if it would unlock id fix it.

bigfatmat1, Nov 27, 8:00am