Your weekly spend on fuel?

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absolute_detail, Jun 27, 10:49am
What are you spending on fuel a week? I do about 4-500km a week, depending on what I decide to use it varies a bit, Worst is my Mitsi @ 13l/100km $160pw, best is the bike @ 3.5l/100km $45. Bike also has the bonus of reduced travel time but after a few days of rain it gets a bit old putting damp gear on each day

nice_lady, Jun 27, 10:51am
Roughly $40-50 p/w between two cars.

esprit, Jun 27, 11:32am
About $30 a week in my Peugeot or about 45 dollars a week in my Jaguar XJR. Don't do many kms though, but its also mainly rush hour Auckland driving.

Wife's car is a Mondeo diesel and does a lot more kms but uses probably 30 a week on average. but diesel RUC on top of that.

clark20, Jun 27, 11:37am
About $100-$120 a week

annie17111, Jun 27, 11:38am
About $35 a week for my ute doing 300 ish kms plus diesel mileage.
Hubby spends about $50 a month in his petrol ute doing about 140kms a month.

trogedon, Jun 27, 12:48pm
$0 - $10. I work from home and have a very boring life.

megan109, Jun 27, 1:12pm
No car so no fuel bill but gotta pay the bus fare

sarahb5, Jun 27, 1:15pm
Not much at the moment - I’m on ACC following surgery so not doing the daily commute but generally use about a tank of 95 per month in my BMW 116 - the joys of small town living so about $100 a month after fuel discounts.

cjohnw, Jun 27, 1:20pm
Zero in about 6 weeks time.

marte, Jun 27, 1:21pm
$25, that can last me from one week to 3, depending on how many times i go to the supermarket etc.
If i end up driving for somebody else, ( sober driving & rescues ) it soon jumps from $25 up to $80 odd. Because ' rescues,' turn into ' wants' which turn into ' entertainments'.

Interesting, whats the figures on EV vs ICE?
Like, obviously not worth getting a EV if you only spend $25, and theres not enough range & charging time if you spend over $200

Whats the ' best use scenario'? Taking kids to school- shopping- school- visits & entertainment driviing. Mostly short trips with charging time in' between.

Not, 400kms+ road trip both ways while towing a trailer & 4 adults in car.

bethd754, Jun 27, 1:36pm
$15.00 a week. Don't drive much.

stevo2, Jun 27, 1:38pm
Varies a lot.
Im a carpenter so could be working 5km from home or 50km from home but about $40/week at the moment in the iLoad diesel van.

loud_37, Jun 27, 1:50pm
I put in $400 per week in to the car I drive, glad I don't have to pay the bill.

vr4_legnum, Jun 27, 2:20pm
About $180-$200 a week, 80% is just going to work and home, if I'm using my daily driver everyday when my other car can be $130 every 3 days if I'm using it everyday.

tygertung, Jun 27, 2:26pm
Not much, usually ride electric cargo bike, so a tank of fuel can last for 6 weeks maybe more.

m16d, Jun 27, 2:53pm
50 bucks a week for diesel in the ute, but the boat. jeese that's another story.

tamarillo, Jun 27, 3:15pm
50-100 car and normally 50 bike

sr2, Jun 27, 3:17pm
LOL, tell me about it mate.
My Carver has a 400 liter petrol tank in it but I just love MPI Mercruisers!

alowishes, Jun 27, 3:32pm
$30 some weeks in one ute, $600 some weeks in another ute.

absolute_detail, Jun 27, 3:38pm
Would be great if they remove the road tax from petrol, my boat only has a 250l tank and a 4.3 mercruiser but still every time it is filled up the govt is stealing a good chunk of money

harm_less, Jun 27, 4:19pm
Our primary transport is a Leaf which does a return run into town (50-60km) 4-5 days a week and the occasional weekend drive so about 250km/week. Its share of our off-peak electricity charge is around $10-$15/week.

The old Commodore that is the second vehicle gets into town about once a week and gets a fill-up about once a month, unless we go out of province which is rare, so around $25/week usually.

sr2, Jun 27, 4:39pm
I couldn't agree more mate, and we're paying the additional Auck roading tax as well.

absolute_detail, Jun 27, 4:43pm
It wouldnt be so bad if all the ramps were funded along with the coastguard.

I wonder how much they actually take, im guessing it wouldnt be an insignificant amount

3tomany, Jun 27, 5:01pm
About 200 for the cars per week but the fuel bill gets eye watering with quads and tractors.

loukirby, Jun 28, 4:36am
We do about 1000kms each week which is about $140ish