How many people now do we see listing their car/s with a start-off price of only dollars and cents :IE: When A vehicle is listed at say as 18 dollars and 50 cents when they really want to get $18,500 for their vehicle. I've seen many listed this way and if you ask about the price they come up with some smart arse comment. Is there anyway for Trade Me to either delete any listings like this and make people list it for either a $1 reserve or the full price that they actually want for it . I know of plenty of members getting brassed off with them and we all reckon that they should be made to put the proper price in the Advert for their vehicle or have their auction deleted until they stop trying these tactics and list them properly.
Oct 26, 7:21am
They don’t care.
Oct 26, 7:25am
i think ther is a % they have to meet . The good news is they only have a specified time to sell. apart from me my listing was made before the rule change its why i dont care if my vehicle sells or not as i want to sell it but i wont give it away and i dont have to i can relist it for ever.
Oct 26, 7:30am
what you do is search then select lowest buynow
Oct 26, 8:42am
I would agree, just filter out the lowest start price listings if it bothers you. There is a lot of listings that are just plain spam on here now. I was looking at oil filters for my Falcon the other day and come across Ryco filters for sale for $68, nobody is stupid enough to pay that when identical ones are available for $20 from local auto parts shops. It's possible to get a genuine filter out of the US for $10 landed cost but that's a whole other story.
Oct 26, 9:16am
So report them. report this listing is an option bottom of the advert.
Oct 26, 9:57am
The $90 listing fee is a bit much for a car $10k or more, only $10 to list a car under $2000. Why should it cost different amounts?
Oct 26, 12:41pm
Yes, this is the way to go. Reason for the CW is trying to avoid fees and TM will take action.
Oct 26, 2:04pm
Possibly a fair call, but why do they charge different amounts for different priced cars, the cost incurred by them is no different whether the car is $500 or $500000.
Oct 27, 5:57pm
Because they can!. No different to selling a house the higher the price the more the commission to the agent
Oct 28, 3:41am
Doesn’t work with newspaper ads though eh!
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