Wheel bore how much is to big for hub?

proracer, Jul 19, 3:37pm
eg 67.1 wheel on to 64.1 hub

mrfxit, Jul 20, 2:36am
Lot of misinformation about hubcentric verses lug centric floating around.

Hub centric is only really needed for seriously heavy or high performance vehicles or tube only, type nuts on heavy or high performance vehicles.
Mums shopping cart will be perfectly fine on lug centric

Hub centric = wheels are centered by center bore of rim which matches wheel hub ring
Lug centric = wheels are centered by common tappered lugnuts.

Modern cars use both methods

mrfxit, Jul 20, 2:39am
Now, presuming you are making use of the engines performance abilitys a lot, then you will need hubcentric wheels that fit correctly.
If blinging up the shopping cart, yea Nah probably not important.
If fitting seriously wider then stock rims & giving it a bit of a trashing from time to time = Yep, probably need both systems.

mrfxit, Jul 20, 2:46am
In the old days, rims were lug centric only & while fairly rare, sometimes rims fell off.
Mostly from snapping those real skinny studs with super wide wheels AND giving it a thrashing.
Modern cars have studs nearly 50% thicker & generally only hear of studs snapping from loony gorillas doing up the nuts far too tight with impact wrenches (or not at all).

supernova2, Jul 22, 11:47am
Should be able to get an adapter bush for that.

sw20, Dec 19, 12:05am
Just get hubcentric rings and forget all the fluff above. eBay have loads.