Toyota Corona engine stopped- - advice please.

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intrade, Jul 29, 3:43am
andy61 wrote:

That happened to my sister`s Corona(which had done about 400kms), was something in the distributor- may have been the ignitor?, reasonably common problem.Their auto sparky ordered in a reoplacement part and the car still lives today much to my sisters disappointment -she wanted a replacement car!

I don't understand that Andy; they are brilliant cars except for. this ;-)

the ignitor is a common fail item however they not usually fail and come back to live again.
What a ignitor is its a transistor and a transistor is just a switch like a relay or a light switch to make it simple. you the human turn the switch to make the light bulb glow right.
now the ignitor is comanded the same as the human turns on the light switch to tell the coil its time to discharge the high voltage to the sparkplug. its that symple its only complicated if you cant see it.
Most easy one is to learn how ford model T does it .
Them wooden sparkler boxes is just somone turning the light switch off and on like a madman and when piston is where it is suposed to be somthing comes along and touches it to the spark plug and boom combustion all timed and easy to see. it still works exactly like that only now the switching is computerised . well dinosaur computerised in therms of what your corona has to 2020 cars.

intrade, Jul 29, 3:54am
This is basically coil on plug system mechanical non computers like the vvti toyota year 2000 onwards like our yaris-verso-aka funcargo,etc are coil on plug also
from that it went to points and condenser
and then it went to ignitor = a resin potted simple electronics to comand the spark just like that mechanical timer did in the model T
Model T is the original coil on plug System c-o-p.
you can see in the diagramm the 4 coils directly wired to the sparkplugs cop system

andy61, Jul 29, 4:04am
They got the Corona about 28 years ago, my sister wants their car updated but hubby wont open his wallet and replace the damn thing! Its probably done over 500kms now.

intrade, Jul 29, 4:05am
the job of the ignitor is the same job as that vibrator plate did on the model T coil. its just in a different order today and more efficient then it was .

phoenix22, Jul 29, 4:55am
Awwww, so no one is gonna say the car stopped working because it got corona-virus?

intrade, Jul 29, 5:16am
no because that would be racism if you go by todays knotheads law makers.

speeedy1, Jul 29, 11:44am
A car is a car is a car. If its not a shite box, why change? Its just transport.
New curtains, drapes a dress wardrobe and make-up too; maybe a trip as well? What women want, women usually get.
Strength to your brother in law.

speeedy1, Jul 29, 11:46am
Far kem is not an arab chap; its more a directive to knobhead PC characters.

intrade, Jul 29, 12:42pm
you called me i was out shopping and geting 95 ron with my smartfuel rebate before i forget and the month is over and i lost the discount.
dont ring me at 6 i watch the news till 7

intrade, Jul 29, 12:44pm
the only danger to old cars is the whole car is one crumble zone that is the only danger of older cars. like my kamikaze fiat punto as somone called it i was thinking hmm yea feels a bit like kamikaze 760kg zipping round corners .

speeedy1, Jul 29, 5:15pm
R, you are tougher than me :-) I tried watching the 'news' a while back and was near tempted to take an over dose or cut my wrists.
I ran out of time to call back this evening. Is tomorrow OK?

intrade, Jul 30, 5:26am
tomorro/ today is ok i have to see what jobs are on as to if i hear the phone i still have to do more outdoor stuff if its not raining . otherwise try 7 pm

intrade, Dec 14, 1:19pm
as per phone call i am sure incar can find out whats wrong on the 3s-fe