You can get a stand alone pump/motor anywhere, you're probably going to have to go custom for a metal water bottle.
Sep 14, 3:30am
It is if its post '92.
Sep 14, 4:33am
So looks like I don't need it,thanks.
Sep 14, 2:03pm
We just had a warrant declined because the windscreen washers were not working. That was the cars only fault at the time. It also happened on another car we owned.Was the same testing station but several years apart so not the same inspector.
Sep 14, 2:32pm
Why wouldnt you want one !
Sep 14, 3:15pm
Because its been converted into a reservoir for a water / meth injection system, like mine has, maybe ! Not a WOF requirement .
Sep 14, 3:20pm
Yes it does, ours failed at thebecause it didnt have any water in the washer which was STUPID but its on the form so they had to test it.
Sep 14, 4:10pm
Not stupid at all. If its there for that purpose it has to be in operating condition, ie have water in it. Would you expect it to pass if it had brakes, but no brake fluid !
Sep 14, 4:19pm
Went to my local garage & rang vtnz & both said no I don't need because of age of vehicle.This car is not a runabout it will only be used on club runs etc & preferably when not raining
Sep 14, 11:06pm
Thats hardly a relevant comparison, i can still drive my car without water in the washer.BRAKE fluid is a necessity!Considering the amount of other things that were far more important like a warrantable spare wheel or working internal door water in a washer is a stupid thing to fail on!
Sep 14, 11:31pm
Why didnt you top it up !
Sep 15, 3:39pm
Obviously it was topped up once the problem was pointed out, the washer is barely used and one of those things i dont check every time i get into the car.
Sep 15, 5:14pm
Remember READ the back of a WOF form - Its states a WOF is not to be relied on as the over all safety of a vehicle, Something to those words. its law not logic many things go both ways - Tyres that are stuffed can pass but if a minor light is out then it fails - Learn and keep to your own safety standards
Sep 15, 5:31pm
Not so stupid though if you end up on a dusty road behind another vehicle :)
Sep 16, 12:24am
you've never driven behind a car on a dusty road, have you the last thing you want is windscreen washers, absolutely the last thing, you might want a much lighter right foot and breathing app, but water is definitely not up there among the most wanted list
Sep 16, 2:27am
If car has 1 it has to work. But if sprayers, water bottle etc is removed from engine bay it does not have to work as it doesnt have it. If sprayers are still fitted they have to work. doesnt mater if switch has washer option.
Sep 16, 8:19am
if you want a custom alloy tank from .5ltr to 500ltr ring road runner in bulls. send them your plans and your $ and wait for delivery.
Sep 16, 3:36pm
Read post #14.
Sep 16, 4:17pm
really i kept my standard washer and used a flash stainless tank in the boot for my water/meth inj
Sep 16, 8:48pm
------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------- well said.andit should be mandatory to change brake fluid every 2 -3 years and .rewasher. bottle and water. yes.ever so easier to fill it up with water befioregoing to WOF.same as checking lites ,belts,tyres etc. doesnt take too much timeand quicker and easier than moaning about it later!
Sep 16, 8:50pm
skin1235 wrote: you've never driven behind a car on a dusty road, have you the last thing you want is windscreen washers, absolutely the last thing, you might want a much lighter right foot and breathing app, but water is definitely not up there among the most wanted list[/quote
What a strange thing to say - I have driven behind many vehicles on a dusty road in the past 30 years. I generally stay far enough back especially when it's a stock truck ahead of me and keep the vents closed but I definitely would not want to be without windscreen washer.
Nov 7, 8:10pm
do you realise it has to have wipers but it doesnt have to have a windscreen !
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