Thinking of buying a Zodiac Inflatable RIB boat

flick_313, Sep 15, 3:35am

I am thinking of buying a Zodiac Inflatable RIB, what are your opinions on Zodiacs in general! ever owned one! Should I be looking at any other brands!


unclejake, Sep 15, 5:01am
I have had a look at and used their soft boats, but not RIBs. The quality is OK on the older models, but I have not looked hard at the newer ones.

Giz a bit more info! Size, budget, most likely use etc.

mattynelson, Sep 15, 5:45am
Know anyone in the Navy! They have a few zodiacs and might be able to give you an opinion

rpee, Sep 15, 5:46am
Try going to the Auckland boat show this weekend . should have some great show deals going!

johnf_456, Sep 15, 5:49am
What is ya budget!

serf407, Sep 15, 1:28pm
Yes , have a look at other brands - e.g NZ brands such as wavebreak and stabicraft, constructed for local conditions.

elect70, Oct 28, 2:05am
We used 1 forcray divingin 80 sbrilliant . 15 hpyamaha ob4 m boat