Car rego. Does anyone know which rego i should use for my car as i am not going to be using it for at least another month and a
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Sep 14, 6:41pm
does anyone know which rego i should use for my car as i am not going to be using it for at least another month and a half and i see it must have expired just after i stopped using it as it is 2 months out now, should i A class rego it or put rego on hold!
Sep 14, 6:48pm
You gotta pay the rego from the date it expired up till today before you can do anything. If you are only going to not use it for a month then pay the rego coz I believe the min for suspending it is six months.
Sep 14, 6:50pm
i know last time i done A rego it was behind and only cost me about $30 for 3 months
Sep 14, 8:55pm
no longer able to do a class rego's on privte vechiles and you can put on hold for any amount of time but under 3 months you still need to pay E.g 3 months or less costs the full amount of rego if back on road in that time. if over 3 months there is no cost but you will need to pay the back date on ur rego frist
Sep 14, 9:01pm
A registration has now changed and you should check LTSA website for details
Sep 14, 10:06pm
i just put it on hold for 3 months and cost me nothing as was only a month and a half behind you only need to pay back rego she said if more than 2 months behind so i wont register or use it now for 3 months as we have another car i can use anyway
Sep 14, 10:08pm
3 months minimum on hold. 1 month minimum rego. per year.
Sep 14, 10:21pm
There's no minumum annual license requirement and you can relicense a vehicle for just 1 day if you like.
As for the OP.if it's more than two months since the last license expired you'll have to back pay outstanding license fees if you either relicense or exempt it. If you exempt it now there's a 3 month minimum during which if you relicense it gets backdated too. rock and a hard place.
Sep 14, 10:24pm
3 months minimum.
Sep 14, 10:32pm
"you can relicense a vehicle for just 1 day if you like." Sure about that! I've been told it requires certification if not registered for at least 1 month. Link!
Sep 14, 10:33pm
Aye !
Sep 14, 10:39pm
No, that's wrong.
Sep 14, 10:51pm
cryhrse speaks wise words and is correct !
Although I was of the understanding if your putting a vehicle on hold you must do that within 28 days of expiry!Never tested that one out myself normally got it sorted online beforehand.
Sep 14, 10:55pm
Many thanks!
Sep 14, 10:57pm
That's not true; I regularly take my bike off for winter and am often over a month late, they just take your exemption back to the last date.
Sep 14, 11:34pm
Definitely 2 months (well, more accurately 60 days although I prefer to not cut it quite so fine that there's a dfference).
Sep 14, 11:59pm
yeah thats what the lady told me was two months lucky mine only expired 14th july so i got away with it and the car has not been driven for a month and a half anyway
Sep 15, 12:07am
Bloody hell - everyone knows all about nothing. If you were less lazy you'd go and read the LTSA website yourself. This blog contains so many falsehoods and errors. Got to LTSA site.
Sep 15, 12:28am
Firstly, this is not a blog - it's a messageboard. Secondly, it's the NZTA - the LTSA hasn't existing for some time. Thirdly, information on the NZTA website is often so broad and poorly phrased as to offer no useful assistance.
Sep 15, 12:32am
No need for you to be here then. Off you go!
Sep 15, 12:44am
agree with you there the info on that site was not that clear i thought i would have to backpay first as the website says i got alot better info from the lovely lady at challenge than from the nzta site
Sep 15, 12:59am
Most of the ins and outs that are confusing on the NZTA website have been made clearer by asking on here.Of course if you knew the answers you would have said what they are and pointed to the correct links etc.
Sep 15, 1:12am
I did answer at the start and those answers remain correct. It's what I do for a living.
Sep 15, 1:31am
The six months minimum wasn't correct and you didn't mention the 60 days - the OP might have meant about 2 months - so the advice wasn't much more use than that on the NZTA site.
Sep 15, 2:37am
Actually the fact that this thread is still going shows that is incorrect.most legislative/regulation type questions on this forum get dozens of incorrect answers hiding the few correct. The trouble for the poster is they can't tell the difference. I say they're better off calling 0800.
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