No cows,,Boiling water poured down the carb while redlining the engine.
Sep 22, 4:18am
I'm guessing quite a small amount of water poured in very slowly!
Sep 22, 4:19am
I heard that seafoam is now available in nz, That is a de-carbing solution isnt it! Surely a bit safer than boiling water!
Sep 22, 4:22am
Obviously dont try it on a diesel,but petrolmotors cope well with a surprisingly large amount of water down their neck
Sep 22, 4:33am
Actually we have sorta weaned ourselves off water decarbs.when this amazing carbon removal product called injector cleaner came on the market.[Tip here is if ya gunna pull a head off-fang a bottle up it's gungaroo first and LOOK when ya take it off-ya'll see just how effective it is] many valve GA14 can also have hydraulic lifter **issues** where an oil change and engine flush and PRO-MA MBL8 additive they respond to.[Actually think there was a **running on GA14 thread recently-not the same GA14!]
Sep 22, 4:43am
Yep, and the timing has been checked and adjusted but the over running problem is still there, so am looking for a quick easy decarb method to either fix it or rule it out as the cause.The mechanic is leaning towards a carbureter problem but because it is so intermittent it will be hard to find.
Sep 22, 5:05am
It used to be done with crushed walnut shells blasted through the spark plug holes. Still done this way in some countries.
Sep 22, 9:39am
drop a cup of vim down its throat at full noise , good for bedding in rings too
Sep 22, 11:44pm
Used to be a dribble of Redex through the carb.
Sep 23, 12:20am
Brake fluid down the Carb, you won't have to red line it to decarb it, but I'll warn you it does puff out nasty gass during it, so try not to breath it
Sep 23, 1:00am
I used Subaru upper engine cleaner on my b4 today. What a difference it has made. Car runs so differently its unreal. So smooth. Alot more power. I thought it was rubbish talk but it works very well.
Sep 23, 2:52am
WOF + Check and adjust distributor timing + Replace wheel cylinders + Clean mud out of hand brake adjuster(at wheel) and ajust handbrake = $157 (not including wheel cylinders). Cheap!
Sep 23, 2:59am
Sorry guys, but the only Redex product I'm familiar with is Soldrit. Enlighten me :-)
Sep 23, 5:06am
cup of meths in the fuel tank will do it
Sep 23, 5:38am
Can confirm that it is possible to blow the carby clean off the motor using this method.Hear back from you tomorrow with your story of success.
Sep 23, 6:03am
Had a 3 litre VL Calais that had a sticker on rear window, something like. "CARBON CLEAN" . Previous owner - excellent mechanic- said it was a "head ondecoke" I sold it at about 300000k and motor was still perfect
Sep 24, 3:26pm
Sea foam can be bought from BNT. The Subaru upper engine cleanr is also good. Get it from your subi dealer. About $20.
Nov 18, 3:08am
Please explain.
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