I'll have a beer thanks, so I can drink it in traffic.
Sep 22, 8:27am
Go ahead, I hope you wrap yourself around a lamp post, and your family have to scrape you off the pavement.
Have you no compassion for people who have lost loved ones to dickheads with bigger ego's than brains!
Sep 22, 8:30am
Step back up you piece of shit.
No mates to hide behind now!
Sep 22, 8:32am
Most of my family is dead, I regularly scrap people off the road. I sometimes stand in as a marshall on track days. One beer is no reason at all to crash off the road, it's still a bad thing but it shouldn't be the root cause of an accident on its own, you have to add in bad driving which can be caused by alcohol just not one beer.
Sep 22, 8:33am
I don't need to hide! I'm telling you like it is, deal with it
Sep 22, 8:35am
Well if you are a marshall on track days you are a disgrace and you should be taken off that duty instantly.
Get a life mate.
Where are you a marshall on track days with that attitude!
Sep 22, 8:37am
Why should i be off duty! I'd send someone home if I saw them drinking and racing, I still stand by one beer not being a reason to veer off the road, you are a dolt if you manage that. Also if on medication then even one beer is a no no.
I never said it was a good thing at any point, just being realistic, you're the one acting like a prat.
Sep 22, 8:40am
Righto dick head. If you are happy to stand by your stance that drink driving is ok, I'll bet that the motorsport authority you work for isn't.
If you think that's not the case tell me when you are working next, and for what authority.
Sep 22, 8:49am
-_- you are obviously thick. I said they would be on the trailer, I'm not condoning it but really one drink is no reason to be mowing down toddlers. You have still missed what I said and are going to wage your own war and put words in my mouth. Go ahead but I'm not naming where I marshall cause you're a cock and obviously can't even hear what I'm saying straight so I'll be damned if your ramblings are going to represent any of the well run clubs I've attended all over the country. None of them allow drinking, neither would I not that you can comprehend that.
Good luck with life and all that.
Sep 22, 8:49am
Thought you just might find that the perfect point to go to sleep.
Quelle surprise
Sep 22, 8:50am
Sleep well Chase.
Sep 22, 8:54am
You'll be surprised how much information auction feedback gives on the seller.
Enjoy it.
Sep 22, 9:02am
I've had people post my phonenumber and address trying to play that game. Look hard and you might find them, however it will just make you look silly you've tried to make things personal and if you take that too far you will land up banned.
I'm not new to internet threats and whatnot, but if you want to try it then go ahead. I'm sure everyone will view you in a good light. Just in case you decide to keep pushing this I'll save a log of this thread in case you really are dumb enough to try anything.
Sep 22, 3:25pm
lol.I don't think that's quite how you'd see it if you were standing in front of me, dude
Sep 22, 4:03pm
usdefault: Chill out mate its not worth arguing about and everyone is getting a bit tense. I agree with what the others are saying especially flat_white_ltd while its recommended not to have any alcohol / drugs in your system. One beer is not going to impair your driving to the point you wrap yourself around a lampost and is perfectly legal as long as you remain under the driving limit. Its no different from drinking one beer after work at the pub then driving home, I can see you point about no alcohol but all in serious its a bit dramatized here.
Welcome back flat_white_ltd good to see you back, :)
Sep 22, 4:27pm
lol.Johnf_456. . never actually went away, bud. but cheers anyway.:)
Sep 22, 4:29pm
Just haven't seen you around much haha. :)
Sep 22, 4:30pm
Hugely comical.Thanks for the laughs,I don't get many of them.
Sep 22, 5:56pm
if when driving your hands must be at 10 and 2 position on steering wheel,do you guys have a third arm available for drinking!
Sep 22, 6:15pm
Mmmmmm must go out and invent a "breath sniffer" device that disables a vehicle if any drink smell on a likely (possibly offending) driver is present. Work has been done on this very subject already , just needs proactive folks to make it a commercial reality.
Sep 22, 6:18pm
Keep the bottle in your mouth.
Sep 22, 6:33pm
Hat mounted can holder and a straw will take care of that.
And I don't have a problem with someone having a cold one while driving. Same as a can of soda, and less dangerous than a hot coffee or pie in my opinion. Drinking more than one (or two at a pinch) is probably not terribly wise however.
Of course you are going to have certain people staring and making judgements if they see you tip a stubby into your gob, but that is their problem.
Sep 22, 7:34pm
this made me ROR. omfg
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