why ringwhen in earlier post u said u askedur flatmates whos copper think u telling pookies and OH is message board for all and their opinions so tone down nasty ness or ul have start a third account !
Sep 22, 9:29pm
You drink posting gmphil!
Sep 22, 9:38pm
I am guessing common-sense is not a strong point for you Changing gears, indicators, wipers, are all necessary part of driving, talking on cell phone,sucking on a beer bottle are not
Sep 22, 9:55pm
Mate works in welly & drives home to otakihas a beer or 2 on the way,no different from drinking asoft drinkor eating a pie .so long asunder the limitFA plods can do except give breath test
Sep 22, 10:07pm
haha he a an aussie no matter wot he will cry lol
Sep 22, 10:46pm
Jeezus.poked me nose in a page or 2 back seemed a light and quiet debate.look whats happened now.lol. folks get'n all crossed up.hook'n it sideways and take'n out the cobbers fence.spat the dummy 'n' biffed the toys out'a the cot.lol.far too serious.time for a beer.
Sep 23, 12:19am
Had a mate that used to drink and drive when he was younger and drove while under the influence on many occasions,never had an accident.Until one day when he was sober and he was eating peanuts.Ended up hitting an armco,another car,a dirt bank,and a road sign.he lost control after he dropped one of the precious peanuts!Just shows that drinking one beer whilst driving may not be a good idea but neither is doing anything other than just driving.
Sep 23, 12:20am
OH,forgot to mention that usdefault is a dick.
Sep 23, 12:42am
If some of you had more than a handful of brain cells you'd be dangerous. Thank god it isn't the case.
Sep 23, 1:02am
Bugger me seems as if I struck a nerve with this thread, opinion still stands, my one beer is no worse than your pie/coffee or any other drink
Sep 23, 1:52am
Man angry internet man. All the real cool Aussies can been seen on the program RBT Channel 2 8pm Thursday. Just shows they arent Apes. The arent smart enough to be apes
Sep 23, 1:55am
got us a classic here jase.pipie!haha
Sep 23, 2:32am
hahah Could be!
Sep 23, 3:55am
As in "only two more sleeps to Christmas!"
Sep 23, 3:56am
Define a handful, I have big hands
Sep 23, 7:44am
an aussie, no surprises there.roflmfao
Sep 23, 9:04am
cheers for the laughs usdefault, i love a good chuckle from somebody making an arse of themselves.
glad im not the only one who enjoys a bourbon on the way home
Sep 23, 2:34pm
Hereby nominated as one of the saddest posts ever made to this forum.
Suggest you learn about impulse control.
Sep 23, 3:16pm
Like the impulse that made you post that reply!
Sep 23, 3:19pm
in montana it is legal to drink and drive, just not be drunk and then drive
Sep 23, 3:54pm
A beer, coffee, pie, ice cream what difference does it make!.have too much of anything and you'd be in no condition to drive. btw I'm guess'n those fancy chocs 'n' a'box with alcohol in'em would dump you higher on the breathalyzer than a single beer.
Sep 23, 8:18pm
There was a case were driver was up for careless driving, he sideswiped a lamppost . He got forensic evidence of saliva on the steering wheel he had a sneezing fit,as opened a can fizzwent up his noseGot off it .
Sep 24, 3:52am
I suspect that posters saying you can't drink beer whilst driving have been watchin too many american and australian reality shows. And NO I don't advocate scullling back a beer whilst driving but I've never seen a NEW ZEALANDlaw that says you cant--except in restricted areas
Sep 24, 4:04am
how can you drink and keep both hands on the wheel! seriously
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