It's manly to drink drive, just ask 95% of the rednecks on here.
Sep 24, 4:58am
So do you want me to ask you!
Sep 24, 5:07am
On a date!
No thanks Jason, I don't bat for the away team.
Sep 24, 5:14am
hahah that was an awesome comeback. but you have to read your post again "It's manly to drink drive, just ask 95% of the rednecks on here" You said ask the rednecks.So thats what I did.
Sep 24, 6:22am
Sep 24, 1:50pm
Sep 24, 3:31pm
Read the Roat Transport Act mate.
Sep 24, 3:42pm
silly silly silly
Sep 24, 3:45pm
Can any one provide a link to the piece of legislation that says this is illegal or legal!
Sep 24, 4:06pm
Kinda goes to show that most really have know idea what there talking about, Someone does need to post a link to show once and for all to prove it or disprove it. or is it not in the many laws we have easly found on the net that some useually provide links to. Seems even the police themselves have no idea either if you believe whats posted here.
Sep 24, 4:10pm
You will not find a specific link that highlights the illegality or otherwise of this grey area of the law.
Careless use of a motor vehicle is breaking the law, drinking a beer whilst driving is,. careless use of a motor vehicle.
Sep 24, 4:23pm
I used to have one stubby everynight on way home from work. Mrs hated it and asked a cop. Answer was that there waszero they could do about it. One night coming home from work,I camearound a blind corner to see threecopcars at a fatal accident. Cop came straight to my windowand saw I had a steiny in the cup holder. I told himhow I have one every nightand the cop verified that it really isnt a problem in their eyes.
Sep 24, 4:24pm
Contravention of section 8 (1) A person commits an offence if the person operates a vehicle on a road carelessly or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road.
(2) If a person is convicted of an offence against subsection (1),??
Sep 24, 4:39pm
' Show me.
Sep 25, 12:40am
Usdefault used to be a lawyer. Obviously not a very good one or he or she would not be involved in a debate like this. Go back to law school but please dont fall asleep this time!
Sep 25, 12:47am
i say dont drink and drive you might spillyour drink
Sep 25, 1:19am
Bit difficult, since there's no such thing (even when you spell 'road' correctly).
Some lawyer, eh. Ringing to ask Police. ROFLMAO.
Sep 25, 1:20am
Julian doesn't!
Sep 25, 1:28am
usdefault is trying very hard. However misuse of a motorvehicle will be that way sober or not, it's not separating that factor out. The argument about killing people having one drink is overdramatized at best.
Sep 25, 1:33am
Same as 'speeding'.
Sep 25, 3:14am
what the hell does this prove.!
smacks of desparation there buddy.
Sep 29, 2:26am
RBT copper just said not office in boat drink driving in a car it IS
Sep 29, 3:49am
What he said.
Sep 29, 4:45am
You do realise this is NZ, not Australia, right!
Sep 29, 2:57pm
Yeah I did note that
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