Gear cog suppliers, where

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mrfxit, Sep 24, 3:49am
Got a very old but wonderfully solid paper shredder here thats stripped the main drive cog

Tried the manufactures but of course they would rather sell me a new unit, then have me fix the old trust worthy unit (more then just a few dollars worth to replace the unit.)
Who in NZ would have a supply of small gear cogs that 'might' have something I can use/modify .(something in the range of between 40mm & 80mm across.

kazbanz, Sep 24, 3:54am
Trypaykel/blackwoodsand reynolds chains as a start point

mrfxit, Sep 24, 4:32am
Thanks, thats 1 idea for tomorrow or Monday
Yea she's a grunty old bugger.
It's even got a Capacitor start motor (open ended casings) & uses fixed blades with twin grooved rollers to pull the paper through.
The modern unit of the same spec's does between 14 to 18 sheets in a single pass & is rated for chewing through paper clips & staples easily

supernova2, Sep 24, 4:38am
Must be an engineer gear cutting place about that could make a new cog for a reasonable price i would have thought.

supernova2, Sep 24, 4:51am
Could it not be made in two pieces and then pinned together!

mrfxit, Sep 24, 4:54am
Yea thats probably what will need to be done.
If I can find the 2 cogs, I can pin /glue or weld them together (or a combo)
Heres the model .
EBA Sympathic 100

mk3zephyr, Sep 24, 5:57am
try Engineering Plastics, Shuks, and Saeco

bobin55, Sep 24, 7:02am
there are two here in christchurch that do it try the yellow pages under gear cutters

monzaman, Sep 24, 7:13am
Presision Pllastics I think the're called used to be in Penrose remake plastic gears/cogs.

crzyhrse, Sep 24, 7:26am
Mulford or Dotmar.

bitsy_boffin, Sep 24, 7:43am
Have you tried Knead It, it can't be taking that much force if it's a plastic cog, so a bit of knead it shaped into the missing teeth and stuck in place.

Even if you used the Knead It to form the tooth and put it in place, then you make a mold from that in silicon and cast it in resin (I think a hobby shop would have the necessary).Could be an interesting evening project.

mrfxit, Sep 24, 5:39pm
All good thoughts & appreciated, looks like I need to start chasing up some company names on monday.

Bitsy . Ummm knead it will fail pretty fast I would think, as would any stick on repair.
This is designed to chomp up around 10 to 18 A4 sheets in a single pass including paper clips & staples.

bitsy_boffin, Sep 24, 6:38pm
Cut a key-wayand press the epoxy putty into it when forming the new tooth to form a mechanical bond rather than just a chemical one.It's just the interface between the gear and the tooth you need to worry about making strong.

vivac, Sep 25, 1:13am
Try Cogsley Cogs or their main competitor Spacely Sprockets.

mrfxit, Sep 25, 1:45am
Cool, 2 more to email in the morning.
Got 2 on the email list now

ola_bitchola1, Sep 25, 1:48am
i smell something fishy going on here

mrfxit, Sep 25, 2:02am
Snapper or tuna!

mrfxit, Sep 25, 2:07am
On second thoughts, I am NOT going to get anywhere between those 2.

Didn't they get merged in to Maryland Metrics

mrfxit, Nov 3, 1:10am
Well thats it, probably going to have to scrap that shredder because it's not economic to repair/ re-manufacture the drive cog .
The gear ppl around NZ have spoken & all estimates run from about $400 up to over $700 for a single job.


twink19, Nov 3, 1:19am
Jeff BrucePecision Engineering in Albany

mrfxit, Nov 3, 1:21am
Emailed pics & specs to about 8 different companys now.
All the same responce

jummybuffett, Nov 3, 2:32am
gear cutting services in panmure could be worth a go

jonthefisho, Nov 3, 2:58am
A&H Gears. Penrose .Auckland

jason_247, Nov 3, 1:28pm
i think putting knead it on etc would probably fail

alhough getting a chuck of plastic weld laid down then filing it into the right shape could work

most motorcycle shops do plastic welding and its stronger than the original material generally

just a thought

mrfxit, Nov 3, 3:05pm
Yep always possible to use a different materiel.
just need to "stumble" across the correct sizing in eitherhalf of the pair.
Pinning a new pair has been suggested to the gear manufactures but seems to have been largely ignored apart from 1 company

Most don't appear to want to 'think outside the box" & simply see the cog "as per photo" as being the only option.

None of them had checked to see what the replacement price is for the shredder (of those spec's) & considered the cog to cost just under or more then the unit was worth as a new unit replacement (cost more for the cog then to simply replace the unit)

AARRHHHDon't you just LOVE this throw away attitude most ppl have these days