Car advice wanted please

ang_ash62, Sep 20, 10:57pm
Just wanting to know how to go about selling our car, long story but will make it short, our car is under my husbands fathers name, we can no longer afford to run it (2003 holden commodore v6 cosmo) so are wanting to sell, his father refuses to change the ownership to us there for we cannot sell, my husband paid for this car with his own money, and some trust money, what can we do! seek legal advice!

carstauranga001, Sep 20, 11:00pm
Dosn't need to be in your name to sell. To put into another persons name their ID is required, not yours. You are however responsible for your actions if father in law takes action. He can't repossess the car though unless he has a security registered against it.

richardmayes, Sep 20, 11:33pm
Option 1:
Fence-mending exercise between you two and father in law.

Option 2:
Tell the old bugga that as he's the only one who wants the car, he can buy it off you; now's good.

Option 3:
Just sell the car. Presumably your husband has the same surname as his dad! You fill out the "Person selling or otherwise disposing of the vehicle" form, buyer fills out the "person buying the car" form.

Car is gone.

If there's going to be legal action within the family over an old Commodore worth a few thousand dollars, let the old bugga be the one who initiates it!

crzyhrse, Sep 20, 11:54pm
You can change registered ownership into your name - there's nothing he can do about it.

I wouldn't bother. Registered ownership does NOT constitute legal ownership. If you can prove you paid for the vehicle, it's yours to sell regardless of who the registered owner is.

crzyhrse, Sep 20, 11:56pm
BTW it even says on the Certificate of Registration that registered ownership does not constitute legal ownership.

ang_ash62, Sep 21, 12:07am
car is worth a wee bit (insured for 16 grand this year) and by selling this for a cheaper less thirstier car with benefit our family alot, Thank you everyone for your advice :)

richard198, Sep 21, 12:23am
Presumably your husband has a receipt proving he paid for it!

poppajn, Sep 21, 12:30am
Fair Go done a programme on this last year, the lady was gobsmacked when Kevin Milne showed her that he owned the car.

grangies, Sep 21, 12:30am
Why is it insured for that much!

Unless it is something extraordinary compared to your average run of the mill Commodore.

grangies, Sep 21, 12:31am
Also Jazzpianoma will be able to help you there.

owene, Sep 24, 6:56am
Whoever paid for it (and can prove that) is the legal owner. But beware - if you peeve the old geezer off by taking his chariot off him, he may report it as stolen and then you'll have no chance of selling it.You say "we" are running it. If you ain't willing to continue doing that then why not let the old geezer run it himself! A confused story.

richard198, Sep 24, 6:59am
It went quiet when I asked if they had a receipt!

sw20, Sep 24, 7:02am
My old hack Vectra that I got off my olds was in their name when I sold it.
Just put the old mans details down when I flicked it on.

richard198, Sep 24, 7:48am
Yeah, but not disputed as in OP!

bitsy_boffin, Sep 24, 7:59am
Ahhhh. does the trust own part of the car, and is the father-in-law an executor of the trust perhaps!

I suggest you seek advice from a/the lawyer/accountant who hasknowledge of what exactly the trust money was about before you go selling it, if the trust owns part of it, then the trust needs to agree to selling it.

icemans1, Sep 24, 8:28am
maybe because it's a V8 ute.

owene, Nov 12, 11:47pm
The story gets fishier as the discussion proceeds!