Advice pls! Do I upgrade my car or just stick with
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Jan 27, 10:50pm
the one I have!I have a manual, NZ new 97 Mirage 3 door hatch.Ive had it 10 yrs or so, has done 136,000k and has been a great wee car.Mainly around town running and the occasional open road trip. It has a couple of small dings in the panel work, and I have never liked the colour (powder blue)(shallow, I know lol) So, I have the choice coming up of: - keep the old girl, repaint to white maybe, and hang onto her for the next 10 years. - trade her in (maybe worth $2,500!, spend 10-12k and upgrade to a newer car. If I upgrade, what do I get!Ive looked on TMe and all I seem to have done is confused myself even more. I am looking for a 3-5 door wee 'nana' car that is preferably not silver or black. Thanks for any helpful advice you may be able to offer.
Jan 27, 10:53pm
As you already have a 3 dooe nana car, why spend money to change it.
Drive her into the ground. Save your money and have a nice holiday instead
Jan 27, 10:56pm
I would upgrade for the simple fact that newer cars have more safety features. Toyota Echo, Mazda 2, or a manual Honda Jazz for example. Good little cars.
Jan 27, 10:56pm
Dead right. It owes you nothing and is reasonably low mileage so could well last another 10 years.
Jan 27, 10:59pm
I'm liking the idea of a holiday instead lol Any idea what it may cost the change the paint colour if I go down that road!
Jan 27, 11:02pm
Don't waste ya money my friend. I have a 2001 Version with 151Km on the clock. Its the shopping trolley in a yuck metallic green
Jan 27, 11:02pm
Interestingly, I would NOT 'upgrade' but the reason for not doing so is exactly the same.
Jan 27, 11:04pm
Im not sure I understand this post. !
Jan 27, 11:06pm
Keep it. Better the Devil you know.that suits you already. Re the colour (can't stand light blue myself) you maybe able to get a cheap repaint done of just the outside (not in doorjams, underbonnet etc), 2 tone it or even getting a bright stripe down the side could help it look better and not cost much.
Jan 27, 11:16pm
Maybe if I just get the dings taken out, get it cut and polished and the inside groomed it will 'feel' like a new car lol Oh and a new stereo that plays CDs! Maybe put some mags on it!
Jan 27, 11:18pm
You could. definately the stereo and buy really good tyres.but then again.that holiday!
Jan 27, 11:19pm
Did you know, later model cars will have all these features anyway!
Jan 27, 11:20pm
Holiday = short term. Car = long term. Which would you rather have!
Jan 27, 11:23pm
I just looked up Honda Jazz listings.The cars I could afford are not much newer than the car I already have and the Ks are getting up there too.Not sure if that is worth 10-12k extra.
Jan 27, 11:23pm
Hmm let me think. A reliable car with only 130KM on the clock, owned for ten years and no probs bar some dings! Its got probably another 60 -70km in it easy.
I would keep my money (and I have 3 cars) If its not costing her anything, why get rid of it!
Jan 27, 11:23pm
136k, I would be tempted to keep it, Holiday = Sunshine, there must be some somewhere (o:
Jan 28, 12:15am
I would not upgrade due to the added uneccessary complexity of many safety features and the added expense when they go wrong.
Also, much better the devil you know.
Jan 28, 12:19am
Possibly another 200k kms (it is a Mitsi afterall). P.S I've already use the Devil you know.
Jan 28, 12:26am
Thanks for all the useful comments.The general consesus seems to be to keep the old girl. That was what I had thought when I started looking at just what I could afford to replace her with, year/ks etc. Might treat her to a panel beat to straighten out the 2 supermarket carpark dings and a cut and polish.
Jan 28, 8:32am
It will cost more than the cars market value to get it re sprayed.
Wheels won't add any value to it either.
You could put a CD player in it for a hundred bucks if you wanted to enjoy it more.
Jan 28, 12:43pm
Very logical and sensible. Thanks As an aside, who do you get to fit a new stereo!Is it a regular mechanic or an auto electrician!
Jan 28, 2:22pm
Auto electricians will do it but probably easiest and cheapest would be to get a car stereo installer to do it. Some new wheel covers.
Jan 28, 2:33pm
Painting etc won't add to value as it's been said. But if you're keen to keep her going as she's a good work horse and will be happy to own her till she dies/needs major work then go for it. If not flog her off and get the next one.
Jan 28, 3:02pm
Milliekeep you car and just drive it, your car will always be worth $2500 even with another 50,000kms on it, if the dents are not too bad there is a guy in chch than can remove dents without repainting, put on some nice pin strips, new wheel trims and car mats,you will be good to go for another 5 years or so.
Jan 28, 8:10pm
def keep.have holiday or treat for getting into a good possie vechilewise.
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