What is the reason for this rule! Just asking as someone I know can't get a job they want because of this law.
Are the roads more dangerous at 11pm and 4am than 9pm and 6am! The only reason I can think of is the increased risk of driver fatigue, however if someone works night shifts they are more likely to be tired during the day.
Sep 26, 5:12am
There are exemptions available for legitimate reasons, such as employment hours.
Sep 26, 10:44am
correct. get the employee to sign a letter and an exemption can be had.
Sep 26, 2:21pm
Tiredness Teen's being the most common learner/restricted drivers, like to get on the booze between those hours Night driving is very different to day driving & most of our driving is in the day time. etc etc
Sep 26, 3:37pm
Possibly because the restricted is for teens to learn to drive on not to go out having a cruise. Learn to drive during the day, take the bus out at night, get a full licence.
Sep 26, 3:44pm
Buses drive around regularly in the early hours.
Sep 26, 4:11pm
just in time for the learner/restricted drivers to catch
Sep 26, 4:32pm
OP, the rule is to prevent kids killing themselves, by posing to their mates by driving round dangerously in the wee small hours.
There are exemptions, one must apply for them.
Sep 26, 4:37pm
Thanks 1 & 2. Didn't know that.
Sep 26, 4:38pm
The no passengers rule should take care of that.
Sep 26, 4:46pm
LOL yea .Tui
Nov 21, 10:53am
yeah restricted is predominately in the hands of teens. the rule is there to ensure they are keeping safe, considering the majority of teens who have their ticket are going to parties etc. its not really in place for the adult learner but the rule does apply to all and as said above, there ar exemptions.
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